spd'! theEpif//e of_ J A M_B_S. Vaft. s;u. · '~ak.! them more flriot antl Watchful, That they may keep Faith and Grace in a conllant exercife, and .fo be fit tomeet the Lord, when be cometh, with joy, and boldnefs.· 1he Preacher, when he had propounded the whole tluf] of num, he enforcerh it upon this motive, _ForGol foal/ bring ever] Wor~ to Judgment; Ecc/-rf. 11. 13, I 4· And again,- more faithful in their Callint.s : ·\Vhat ever t~ings are omitted at the day of Judgment, our carriage in DNr Calling-s is chiefly noted and produced, it being- that particullr .fphere to which we are limitedand confined for ferving the great ends of our Creation: And as all Callings are refpe~ed, fo efpeci– ally thofe high Calling~, wherein there is fome peculiar and fpecial ~inillration toGod ~ or fome clhrge and imploy·ment for the pub– ll9oe ~ood; . P~H/htmfelf, thoughachofen yerrd, aman offirong affetl1onsto Chnll, yet thought need fomeumes to ufe tht JP•r f and thoughhe profe£fed, that hechitAy aCted out ofthec6nflraintl •f LrJve, yet h~ alfo took the advantage of Ftar; Knowi11g the · terror of the Lord iH that till), we perfwttdem~n, ,-cor. 5•1l. implying, that a refleCtion upon the feveriry -and ' firict:nefs of the Dayof Judgment was agreat enforcement eo urge him to faithful– nefs in the Minillry ; and having found the ure of ic in his own · fpiric,hepreffechTim"tby bychefame·motive, z Tim. 4· I, 2. I chArge thee, before Jefm Chri{l, Whofo;~/1juJg qt~ick.. And deAd, /Je injlttnt,pre"'!J the Word;, fo.ifon, out ofi{tttfol4. "Tis amoll ve• h~ment perfwafive to diligence, ,when weconfider chac we tnufr gave an account of our work. So alfo toma!r.e them thttnkful: Therecannoc be agreater Argum~nt ofPraife, then when we _con– fider our Ddiverance from Wrath, whenWrath is drawn out to the height ; that we can look Chrifi: in the face with comfort':' . 1 Joh. 2. z8~ And wemay begin our triumph, wh€n others are-o- . verwhelmedwith terrors: So the Apofile faith,. I. Joh.4,. 17. Here• in u Loveperfeff, that w, may ~aveboldnefs At the Da] of ~.udgment: that is, therein is the height and perfeel:ion of the Divine Lovedifcovered, That when others call upon Mount~tins to co1,:_er them, wemay lift up"" he~tds with comfort, and:may call the , ~orlds [udgour Friendand Ft~ther. , . . ~ .. · Lafily? toAwttk.fn their Sot~ls toan ellrneflnefs _of dtjire Anti exptUAt.on: -The good Servant txpeffeth hu Maflers .coming, M11tt.14. 45· And the Britle foith, Comt, Rev. 12. The ])ay of Judg~~J_l~~chedayof Chrifls RoJaiiJ, and JINr £f},,fa/s: · Oo · Here