Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

I . '· • -· - Jd~~e~weaFe -b;t;o~hed~ not . mar~~~-~. -W~en·c~n)·ont of · \ . tht: world, ther,e were mutual and·mterchangeable pledges ofLove c Tcrtu!J:a;uu. amd AtfeClion: c Nobu dedit arrhahonem Spiritus; a nobis a"e.. pit arr~flbonem. ,ttrnis: He Left qs thepledgofhis Spirit, as Elij4h afccndtp~ lef~ h:•s ~antle: ._.ItJe .t'\lok from l,lS fhep~edl pf ~f!r :fi~fl! ll."~:nattt..r:e :. :rherefo~e ~~r.t.qmly all that have -J[}tereft 1q.<;h~.d.} ~ufr n'eed's lo'lfeJ,~e Dttyofkit appearing, .z Tim, 4• 8~ · . , V fe.. Well then,. Oftenexercife f.OU): thoughts in this matter : Think of tl}e Judg,- pf his M~dlJ, . op the, Glory <;>f ~is A~ar~nce: W!¥n the Graves .are ol'enep, Rp(:ksare rent; and Ch.riils unfpeak~ qble :.Glory lhal! b~eak fort~ like Jight~pin~uh~oQgh t~ H,eavens~ wbe? he fuaJl come riding ...op· .tf)e, Clo!l~S, ,!nvir,qn~d ·wiqh 8amtis of fire, , att~nded with all the hp#Lpf ~~<: Ele9t Angels.; and t.he. gre~t lbou.t and trump £hall fu,m,mop all hefo_re the Royal Tbrpl¥! of Chriij~Judgmenr. ~nfiqer alfo hi.i fur}~J ~nd Ho/i– nefs : W.hen God, ~ifcovered himfdf in a p~rt.icnlar Judgment, t,hey faid,,' ~ S!ii~ 6. ~o. wh{) c1n ft,a;:_d bif.orp this ~h9l.J., qod? ~ o ·an. 7-· ·9 . J:?~t~ wQ.en ChriJh~~tb tojudg: ~ij ~jl~ .pvorl~,.,. fl,garf! ~~~it~'a;S:foow, f{mi -thf h~irof}lishead /i/zef_Hre ~qo/, l¥W wij\. fpotted Creatures a~pear. in his prefence? CQri~.$ Throne· jS; a~_.W.kire Throne~ Re-vel.2o. 11. and black Sil.mers ~HOQt Rand b~(ore .i~. None have ~onfideoce in that gay, but either. fuch as are ef;~n;un;[fotted'innp,ency,. fl5 ~h.t:: Angels; or·.t.h~fe t~t a~e wlf.fh– e4'if1 ·C.h.'ffift! b/o_od, ·3§ ~be S~ints. CWlfider hj~ {lrif11ufiice,: ml!Oo~ t4ipgfo[rJJ!III,and in;o?Jftt/.erable, bu,t,if it b.e.finf.ul, God·.hateth it: Jdl.e 411J}. li-ght w,ords 'Weigh hM'll1 in Gods ballancf, Mat. I 2. ,3~. Nothing fo h~ddcn and-.j(cret, -but i$ th~n opt:ned; d(a.dnefs~ ir- . · re~er~t\Ce,, l\Ofav,.oJ~n~f$ilJ hQly d!;lties; tile kafi faili;ngo,r.defeCl in;·n'la~.ner, dr ~11d• . ~ ~fUl {}10qld A~~er tbin-k of the fe.veritly.oflcpat .day, l>ue h~Ul~tlldqr¥.9llt, If t.k~!t ~prdfho;eldff m.:trk._iniquities~ Wh.ofoa!l~ /la.»4.?. Pj~J,. qo; 3· .S-tl(tttti? _tl1st .is, ream 1n c.uria, be ~bk to make.~·bold d~ence in that d1ty? T·hofe firos, which, througttthe cornmonoefs,and eaftnefs of err0r,.feemto challenge ap.a,:don;OfMhlrfe, ,~nJ?V,berein... w€ aEe ·moit in<iulge)'lt to– our felve~ ' as che foilies and exQdfes cd:m.~i~~d tht;Qugh,tbe . h€~t· Of \fPtl~ ;\'.a~ ft?jJ1Jro~·os ;l~ctoUfilt, who ba,th bu.,t.:a!d.t<ilf' P,fJiodig– n~(iqn~'§ain{}~);re venittl, ibill beth~ pt:ol\~~· ~ ·.E~~;.l•.'i ili'-?A} K:19o'»',. tb;tt jor ~{l rbe[f I.Yi..'IJg' GtJa .-w.;tt .brir~g ~hi€ t tJ .fnd.gWJ£f1t. OJ1; Ghiok~of t~f~ ~hi~gs· ~o .a~~~.4~g4ic~l f_ilrt,di, that ye ll}aX. . uua