, lt~fi in qo;hingbut Chn~s ~ighceoufp~fs aga~r}fi.Cbri!l:sJudgqJent. , - ~·· "Pfoth ilia~l:Sio dte~,. trnd.[dit~J.j Thdt ·nlfro~Jbl) M(aili- Obforv~tt.4• · o-~J, 'but 'OUr Jfee~IKs/in Which We are lejs ddiblrute, come under the Judicatory of Goda~d the Word• .Mat~ i: :i. ;6. But !.Jay un– toJou, that ever} idle word that f!Jti'J fhall jpc,a~ ', the! foal/ give ·. ~».toc:ott'lit ,ther:.ebJ;.bi tht: D~y-'rJf ~adgtrJcfit :' Frlr bJ. thj words .J}-a?t 'tllort b.'eJ~J!f!i~dJ ~J. thj ·wotas conJlc:ff;'h"td. · tJ[rralty Wf.! fC?t– get onr'felves moudpeeche~, and imke lrght atcbunt of them: 'J, :eUt f'or idl'e~o'tdt, hot onely evil, but idle, we.thali be judged in d1e lafi day~ •Evil Words tbew aWic~e~ heiitrt, and idle Words a V' din mini:le ·: there isa quick intercourfe between the heart_and ~ ~he to1igU,.! ; 'a:~d \Vhat ~vet,ab~undeth in the _heat~,.corn:ch uppe~.. · ~b'fi~ ati~ fihdeth vent m the fl'eech : Therefore let wlcked men ~ware·, feft their 'thvn ton11n-e fall Hpdn them, Pfol. 64. 1 o. ile~. terhave an ~hole mountain~ thenone evil .tongue, to faH upon us; tflls will crulbyou topeeces in. the day of wratl1. Vjell then 1 lt ilie'\Ys· how fona thetr excufe 1s, wh:o hop~ 'th_er are notfoba~,_as tbey make themfelves in their Wdtds :' .Atafs ! this rs dne o'f ·che ;rlellre'tl:"'an'd ~earefr' difcoveri~s_bfw_hat is ·!n ihyheart; Thy tongue thould·bed th)g/>()ry, and Aris rhy11i'1me1 • -Evil words hive acurfed d PCalm ~ influenc~~ That a-d.7rr@- ,),.o:f'®-, e r;;tun -communication, palTeth tCol,4) 6 tllrcmg'h others like lightening, and fetteth' thent~l on fire~ B~hold, · agt~at ~eceirin·good:thing~; Men t~ink theit tJtlkjng ,lhould e~·cuf<:t~ear 'Wdlk!'ng·: ·t~rba~ tlrey hop'ed1e:it;h~li;'t,s. ft.~~;g.ootl, tlroqgh t~eir cbmmumt atioiis ~e-. 1/ile, and:b'qfe. ~·lHttking 'B'rea:th a~~l_!e~h <<?tr:mpt lungs; fuch pucri'a ·and rankedfp'e'ethes come from it f~~~ ·heart. 'Cbrift asked liis Difdples, Wh.:tt manner of communic.-~tidhs ·tlie) httd? Lu~ 24.17. Xenophon and Plato giverdles, ~hat mehs fpeeches at meals, ana fucb like meetings, lliodld be writtea, tlrltt -··flley might'be tnote ferious. Oh confiefcr, God Writlth them: · :wHatafhameful fiory will b~brought out agaian yoti.at rhe tlay :'OfJudgment, when all your rotten·and uhfavory fpeeches fr1all be ·'~umbred and .reckon~a up to you? "Tis cibferdble, wHen .'fdd!, 'Rom."3. q;r4. maketh an Amitomyofanatural tnan, he Uandeth lno'te'on the 'Dfgims, of.Jpeech, the,h all the otli~t·mep1bers; Their t/J~oat 'u 1/n 'oJibn: ppalchre;wuh their tongHe.s ·have thej nfed 4e· - ce•t~ 'the'poyfbti ofafjs u. unUer their lips: Their mouth. ~& fu1J.'9f CHrfltft_~~d bittertieji~&c. thf'inwaraduogl\ilteeketh, ana fena~ .d~ fort~ ItS fi~h--tnOfi .this Way a " • . ·- . -·· -- . . 0 .. 0 2 Vcrfe