Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

V me 13. For be P,a/1/uve ?uJgrm11t withoMt M•rcy,th~tt ./Jewtd 111 M1r~]; 11Jid Mer&] rtjo]ctth againff fHilgment. Heapplieth the former direaion to the matter ; So jwtk..., ;md' [o do,as t~Klfe that would not come under the rigor of the Covenant Of Works: For if you :tllow ·your fdvcs in any fin, or do any thing againfi: any part of the royal Law, you can expea nothing butjiUigmtNt·Without mercy : But to be cruel to your Brethr~n with allowance, and indulgence, isafin that will put you into that capacity ; not onely as ~tis an allowed tranfgreffion of the Law, but a fpecial ~'11, that in equity feemeth to require fuch a judgment; it being mofl: meet, that they Lhould Jinde no mercy, that wguld foewnone. .. For he foal/ have juagment without merq,] In which cxpref– fion he intimateth thedfect of the CoveNant fl/ Work!, which is judgment without any mixture and temper ofmer&], the taw a– batin~: nothing to the tranfgrefior : Asalfo to imply theretali~tion of God; Hard men jufily meet with hard dealing and recomptnce. T ht~t /hewedno mercy ;] As ifllehad faid, Mercy isnot for thofe that onely honour rich men, but thtm that are full of bowels and bounty to the poor : For, by fhewing llfJ mere), beeither intendcth lhucting up che.bowels againft the neceffiues of the ·poor ; Qr ufing them with contumely,injury,and reproach. They were fo fa:r fromgiving due refped, that theywere guilty of unduedifref}tU ; a.pndice whichctrcainly willleaveusalhamed at the day ofJudg– mmr,,whm the Lord thall flight our perfons, and leave us to our _own jull h.orrors and d1fcouragements. _ tAndMerq rejoyceth overJ~dgment.] The word is Ktt.1ct.Vx_li· 1tU,. /Jolljlerh, lifteth Hp the heAd, as a man will when any thing is acccomp,lithed with glory and fuccefs. T~is latter claufe bath been tortured and yexed with· diverfity of Expofitiens ; ..twere fi-uidefs to number upall toyou : They may be referred to two general heads. Some take Mere] here for Goas MerrJ ; others for mAns ·'(Je"J: They chat apply it ~o God, dther expoun~·. it .thus;. They - h'ave A [tvere judg~nt J 11ndif it he not {11 'With AR, .... ti& 1 metriJ _the Mtr'J ~f GoiJ, Which h~rrh rej0)£"td atrd triNmpheJ e'lltrhis 1 ufli"• ~oFulgentius amoag the Fathas. J3ut this istooforced. I · 'Others,