CaAP.2. 11pon the_Epifl/t of J A M B S • Vuts.13. , Othm, -:iS ~~igory, &.c: carryit~·wirh--more pr'?6abiliry, thus; Though 11n1fUr&iful ,met; be[t:V_trtiJ hAndled,)et, "'the be~11Jf of others,Mtr&J rejoJcethover 1•dgment:· that ts,ln the con&t~ and contell between attributes abou~ finners, mercygetteth the vttlory :and upper-hand, :md fo rejoJc_eth, as men when t~y div!de the fpoil. Pi[c,ator tiJake~hout ~hts,fence yet more .. f~b~tlly, t~kmg .~' whichwe tranOate ~m~. for though, oryet, ·as·tts often Jn Scrtp.. ture; and then the froce is, iThoUghMc:rcy it felf would tain re– jDJ_ce _over JHdgment,.' aCts o~ pity ·and kindnefs be~exercifed wtthmore ofGods delight, yet at the fight ·of ur~nercifulncfs the bowelsofit furink up,-and retire. HhoUld-incline this way, but that the ·,wh~h man lheweth to man: For there feemeth to be aThefis·. a"d an ,Antithe(is, ,' aPoji– tilnand anOppofition, intheVerfc:Jn·thc Po{iiio'!l the 'ApoUJe :aff~rteth, That the unmerciful ~:ill finde qo ~ercy : In. the ()ppo– .fition, That mercy findeth the JUdgment not ollC'ly tempered, but IVIr~ome : that is, He that Lheweth mercy is not in danger of damnation: for God will 11ot condemn thofe th~t imitate his own _gtJodnefs ; and therefore he may. reje>)'Ce.over his 'fears, ·~s oDe • that bath efcaped• . Now the Orthodox, that go this way, qf applying it .to m~ns mercy, do. not make this difpOficion acAujt of our ac– ceptance with God, but an tv-idence ; mercy Lhewed eo men being an ~t[Hred pledg of that·mercy which he fuall obtainwith God. l confefsall this is rational :. But look to the phrafeofthe Text, and' you will fiOde fome -inconvmience in this Opinion : ·For it will. be a fpeech ofamofi hadh found and confiruClio(l.tofay, that oHr · mercy lhould · rejo;u ."gainft Gods J!ldgmen.t; for then man would feem eo have fomewhat wherewith to gk>ry before God ; .which is C011tr~rJ ~0 .. David, who denieth any work of ours . .be jullifiab~e in h;; Jight ~· '?fal._i4r· verf. 2. or to be .able tO. ho~d up the -head or neck againil: his Judg~nt: 'ContrurJ to Chrift, who forbidtfeth this Fejoycing againfi the Divine J.udg:- . ment, though we be. confcjous to our: fdves-of ~rforming our duty , LHk.f 17. verf•. Io. , And .~ontrarl to ' P~ul, .who faith, There !s·no.g/orJing hefore G()d, Romt~>»s. ·4·- verf~ 1. /lii I he r.,.:. jo7cin[. -~e hAve again/! ·Gffr)!. .JHftice fs in the viflqry of hi! Mtr&7 :. Therefore . I belefve thefe two fcriees ·may ··be well .compounded and ·modified-each-by the other, cthus; 'TIS · the .M1rc} of Gad that rtji)J"Ih tver his Jujlifi .J and'"tis -:mrr&J iN · Oo 3. · 1'/MJi