Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CH.&P,fl.~ ~~~~e~Jti1~'!ftt.l}!·:¥~-~,.- vrl\:S;!~ ~~ 7: 3· 2.• :J;he ~oi·.~·.PP~;~MPtcnl~:fWWJ' ~n4)~Iw~~ . ii;~~ofP{o_r,.t<r e1h, ?{a~.-J,·3·i,· -W'h_er~ J ~~hc:((l,C:Vfry.Go~f~~· l§.(~lt~p .WI~h !1 Curfe ; ~a~ in theitd!ij:.QPJfQr,ts~~~ri ~~ Q9~~!ng out::J f~c~ ;mq ~!l appearanceor' wrath : ;iju~·tb~ ~o,r~-pf the.~:v~p~Qtof :Works ~s h~reaf~e-~; Whcn~~~§p,l.!(~lb».!Jth.~r§~~.9~1e~~(o/ .,mer?"J!}e w,~!l *'d Wtt:h ,tb.em.a//;~iJ;J.~dg~~N·.Pf~elf.'.~~ ~ ·q ~4 fY]!. Q) ,'!'·r:.~tl:. 1J.'mjx.ed;,. {itnp.le~d~f~t~~g!~l~tS;i~f~ Wfrtlth~ .' · l~~ ., tlS. f~, Pfo!· .,8.-;.' ~~'firJh(~~d... !111f(£;~~me1!! itJll. m~~ed With all fons-:of plaglJ~J>l .®t lfPWJ~Jd wttP.out. t~ lea!t drQpor'_temp,ramen~ ~Af m~r~}k cQh ,! jbow r:wilt¥e PQ to fmfc:r thQ(e_wmeots.that.ate ,w)..thswt; #fl[f,_.. ~~~ wiJ:bqlJ~ .f1?4 f. R,frl.l_cl.. ""·~7:~ r:h~rlktt)ff!..~frpfi_Jp;o.,tkri~~Ab~f~mermth .wi.t.b;'fiH (4nd: brimfl41!e.,·. rm«~ ~t~fk4/J.,_'/1t /t~r;mfJfl_tiWorJ.:qe.r..~rzd:~ini;NQ";": tbing.{DQre .paipful to~heafenfe, .tbeR~~·<RQ. \fit~ O.lPt~ ·-~PJlQ~,i or more fc'alding,·rth~· :bnim}~13€.;•apd:;1ij. ~b~sfor c-uer. ;wd,e.per. Ther~; is·a,n eternityJJfe~trelnity·:1 if,isM7~lmeoJJ,1tJ!,~W Yf~~. ou.tfnd{wJlich is f.h'(l .#:&ll.uf R<Qll ..tb3t\3~~~~d~1o.dd~c:;rr~. are. Pltffed~~er t ~bat~cJ!mdynth OQt, •• nd,\~}.1$~'~~nfb~d.. · 'f.he lliiitk:-!Ulls..ahJ:h. .t¥Htlr~qcqfnR~d JlrerW1rJhj(}~w~ )to !C.; wasaJad:ho-wJingan%ftiliA~jp~~zwhett GAd. r~jQ~l' #ell fJIJt of f!tavin~ ;H,owdjd .tlfep .0P.f fC.!tldcd ~;~lleJtUU:tts r,uQJlJ?: . and.d0wn in that:ddilgeofbQmllone J1iind ft:cikeiaitd--rh~wl, be:~ catife:of ,their_ pai.mS;LQh\but; '.Wh~wftping .a~Jd) g9'atl'liQg1 J.vjll ~ tbCllebq~riHoH;; :.when aif. pir~ !iritmJi/;P~fligylJ)fitJ/1JP~ttkf. t)hrt~! ~ Dan, 7' IP .. ofqod; _. ami. .poqr..damae:d lhallwaHow~iuter,.al.):i~ tber, amd ba.v6!~0l:. ~drop tP.,·-co}Jl\ tong·tteJ {y.WeU tl:ifi!);Jtt lhould awakem .t•hofe that. arc::; under ,~he Bo'vena!!t ,of:'!Jror.l\! ·tf". c0meunder tiw· Ba1111e..'K.. ojGx.Ace. ··1 !h~fe that. .ar~ . cond.e:mned io: o~Court;havelih.erty.0.£appqd to,.arnot~~ .:.aRd.,wbenJe ~ttt r.l~lfd.,l amd;J;oil .taJhe-fir.Jl Jlaw,tyotrmay b.e qlku.t.tQ£liuJ, ·.fJ.J.. 2. 10. Lee, the;m~.eng~~'Of.!JooUm~ke. y.G>u flJl tP th-e.· Gity~ofir.ef~Jge.·i JB~1: yattl fa;y, Who ate no,wurider. the,Co:venaht:OfWm~S'?. .There is a.vuk. g_ar pr~judice. abreaol;iwhichfoppofetb, .that the,fir(hCovenatit.w.a.S> repealed;aadJdif.,.aqnulkdupon.t~~ <Fall; .. and that\God ,now ·,deal-~ tth ' with:~USl mpon n~w! cermi;,::.;as<if t'hc,Ce<\v~antl.. of)·Gva.Cetdicl w~clw · ~tl:'ude ttnd\ifuut.ooti~e~lhl~n~raet~.. WlJelfeirl;~be~ thmk Adamonely was concerned. But this is agraf$®iR~~~. caufe~t was wadO!~q_<l£;ourely:w«h 4JUu/J, butHvi$ talbhif3/Jjd:. ~q ~very natural man, whilefi natural, whilefinaeerl~,a~ (on~ i. · . ··· · ·· Adam)