s88 VBRS.t3• _.A!!!_~_pDjiti,,,,ithN~tll · CHAp. 1; A~m, is of5liged to theTrnor otft~.:The form ofthe Law nmneth riniverfally, C"Hr[td:;/;verf one,'thAt"(foe. qAiat.}.'Io. WhiCh Rule brooketh no exception, but that of Pree-Grace, and Interd\ in .Chriil:: :And th~ref<;>re every childe, even thofe born in the Charch, areo¥xi00~ to.t~e c~rfe and penalty of it; Children of 'Wrath, ~vef!as tJt~ers, £phef; ·-:!'3· ' A.nd thet-efore are natural men de(cribed ~y thiS term, 1 '"rhofe: I' hat ilre·1i11der the Law, G11l•. 4· ), that is; tinder :thebond and curfe·of the ·Law ofWorks. If the Lawof Works bad been repealed, and layd afide, preCc::n~y upon 4d11ms F~H, Chriil~ad not ~ome under the bond and curfe of it, as our Sub£titute and .Surety ; for be was to takeour. debt upon him, to fubmit to theduty-and penalty ofour engagement : there– fore :~is faid, in the -place lafi 'quot~d, He WAs ;,Afj.e H111ler th1 LtJw, to re/Jeim'them t'bt~t 'f!ireu,nJ.er . th~ -!-.~tw. So ilfo, Gt~lAt. 3· r3· He W~rs miide aCHrfefor 111 : that as, mour room 11nd place. And again, The~aw is not repealed; bec:aufe·•cis an unchangc.:ableRulc:, according to which Qod proceedeth : p.ia.JGtesJ~t., .not apitk._',fthe Law-fo~lt./Jafs ~way, Matth~ ·s. 19.: :till .all be fulfilled, eitaer by the creatute', or upon tbe creature, by· ns~·orby oor Surety. ·•Jis ~e Covenant of Works that condemneth all theCons of Ad~tm : The rigor of it brough~ Chrifi from Heaven to fulfil it for Beleeyers. Either we mufi haveChritl to fulfil it, or for the breach Of it we muft perial for ever. And therefore oar Apoille faith, That at the Day of Judgment God .procetdeth withall men according to tbe two Covenants .; fome ·are judged ·by the Litw of.Liberty, and fome have /Hdgmmt WithoHt Merq. The two Covenants have .two principal confederate parties that contracted for them and their heirs, Atl.rm1 and Chrifl; therefore as long as thou art Adam~ , heir, thou haft Adams engagement upon thee. The Covenant of work.!was-made withAdAm, and his (eed, who were all natHral men: TheCovmant ·of GrMe with Chrift,and hid feed, who are Beletvers, Ijai.:53. 19. God will own no interefi in them thaf daim by Adam: As A/Jr~rhAm wa~ to reckon his feed by Ifoac, · notby ·Jfomacl, Inlfa~tcfoallth7foed becaUed; So Gods Chil· dren are reckoned byChrift. Others; tbat have but a common in– tirejf, che.d{b a·:v11i11hopq .God !h~tt.. mAde. them, 1will nol fave them.; l{At.' 27·:1~•. · · - .' · · · :.. · - ~utyou•lfay~ Hofi fi'aall wt more:diftinalykno~what isour ~aim, and tenure?