11pon the Epiflle of JAM ! s. I anfwer: 1. 'T.is a llirewd prefumption th:at you are under the old bond, if you cannot difcern how your copy and tenure is chan– ged : The heirs ofpromife are defcribed to be thofe that fly for re– fuge to the hope that is before them,Heb.6. I 8; Gods Children are ufually frighted out of themfelves by fome avenger of blood; and · do the more earnefily come under the holy Bond of the new Oath, and fly to Chrifi, by confidering the mifery of their £tanding in vi– dam: The Apofile fuppofed that wrath made inquifition for him, and therefore cryeth out, 0 that I might befound in him, Phil. 3·9· They that prefume that they had ever faith andagood heart to– wards God, groOy mifiake: That Jufiiciary faid, All thefe 1 k!pt from my youth, Mat. I 9.26. . 2. Much may be difcerned from the prefent fiate and frame of vour hearts ; if they carry a proportion with the Covenant of Works, •cis tt> be fean~d you hold by that title and copy. As, I. TYhen the Spirit is leg~!, there is a fuitable Spirit both to Law and Go(pel; a fervile Spirit is the Spirit of the Law, a free Spirit is the Spirit ofthe Gofpel : 'Tis the character of men under works, Heb.z. I 5. All their life time they are fubjeCl to bondage. Reli– gion is careful, but a foolilli fcrupulofity and fervile awe argue bondage: SeeRom.8.I). and zTim.I.7· 2. Whenwefeek""arigh-*Rom.!o:3• teonfnefs of our own, and fettle onr life·and peace upon a foundation of om own works : the Covenant of Warks is n~ttural to us ; common people hope to be faved by their work.! andgood meaning, and by their good pra)'crs to be accepted .With God. What fba/l 'We do ? is the language of every convinced man : And the Jews faid, Joh.6.29• what are the Work} ofGod? We would fain engage the divine grace by our own works : But this difpofition raigneth mofi in fnch as either, 1. Ple11.d their WBrk.!, as thofe in the Prophet, tpat *_delighted to draw nigh to God; that is, to'ex- Vide sanaium pofiulate and contend with him about their works, for fo it follow- i1z lucum. eth in the next verftt: l{lli. ;8. z, 3• Wherefore have We fafted? So the Pharifee,Lu~ 18.1 1. And hypocrites are brought in byChrifi pleading their works,as noting the fecret ground of t~eir confidence: Mat.7.21. We have prophejied in thy name,caft out Devils. The Saints ofGod own no fuch thing: Mat.z5·37· Whenfaw We thee an hungred, nak._ed? &c. They wonder Chrifl: lhould remember fuch forry things: As they perform duties withmore care, fo they overlook ~~em wit~ more {elf-denyP~l; whereas othersbuildup- ' Pp on