upon the Epi(Ue of J A M E s. agM.nHus,Mat,6. Gods love to us meketh the Sool, and affetl:eth ,us not only with contrition towards G.od, Qut compqffion to our brethren. Ar. Zurick._, when the Gofpel was firfi preached, they gave liberty to their Captives and Prifoners, ou.t of a fenfe of their own deliverance _by Chrifi. 2. ·risunlik! to G~d; begiveth) and forgiveth: .How \Vill you look God in the face, 'if you lhould be fo contrary to him? Di/Jiinilitude ;md difjrop.or.ti.op is. theground ·ofdiflike; •cis a difpoGrion that.will check your prayers, beware of it: Unmercifulnefs is two-fold; when we neither~i-ve,- norfor– give: it not~, 1. A clefeel:' in giv.ing or lhutting up the ·bowels; they ask, and yeur hearts are as flint or fieel: We are faulty, when wedo not what we !hould da,as ~when we do what we Chould not ·do : Co'lietouj11ifs and.,.viol.ence will,weighJtlike•heavy~ip Gods bat– lance; and you may.be.a!::ctueltin·neg/eqc as<itAjttry. z~lo .dt~nyingpt~rdotJ to thofe that have wronged us; they have·doneyou hprt,buc~you muft be like your ~ heavenly •Father; no man can do thee fo muck ~Jaurt, as thou hafLdone ,God; fin is more oppofite to his rta(ure, then Wr~ng can be to your i'nterefls: Would you have God ~s .{lack in giving, as backward ·to forgive? What would you Cay if God !hould deal thus wirh you, either for ,grace or pardon? Certainly bounteous and pitious hearts pray with mofi confi– dence. 3· GodufuallJ ret~liates and dealeth with men ac.~orrling to the Ohjerv. 3·~ manner and way of their Wic~ed~:efs. 'Fhe fin ,andfuffer;ng oft · ' meet in fame r~markable cir(utnO:ance : tlJ'Ptbylon.,balih blood.f6r blood. Jaco!J cometh as the elder to Ifaac, ,and Leahcometh ,as theyorJnge.r to Jacob: He that denyed a cr.ttmb, ·wanted a dr."P• Luk.:_ I6. Afa that fet the Prophet in the ftocks had a difeafe in his feet. Well then, when •cis fo, know the finby the Judgment, and ·filence murmuring. AdonibeJ::.ek,., an Heathen, obferved' As I havedone, god. hat.b do~:e to me, Jr~dg. I. And ,icd:heweth you, what reafon yQu have to pray that"God would not deal with you according to y9ut iz:liqaities, your,manner of de.ali1,1g either with himor men: and walk with the greater.awe and ftrilftnefs. Would I have God to deal thus.with me? Would I have the recompences of the Lord to be.after this rate? · · 4• Godexercifethatfsof'mercy With delight; hisMerq rejoyceth Ohforvat~ 4~ over J t-tflJce. So in the Prophet, Mercy pleafoth hiw, ,Mica. 7. I 8. So m another Prophet, L~'Wi/1, re.joyce over 1bem, toJ~ them 1 Pp ~ , gfJod~