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t••' •• VE R s.q. A,. Expojition, With Notes good, rerem. 3 2· 4 I. God is infinitely juil: as well as merciful only he delighceth in gracious Difpenfations and difcoveries of him: felf to the Creature: This fhonld encourage you in your approach– es to God. Mercy is as acceptable to God as to you. In 3 Sam. 14. I. when [oab perceived the Kings heart WM to Abjl.lom, he feci:eth the woman of Tekpah to make reque!l: for him. The Kings heart is fet upon mercy, your reque!l:s gratifie his own bowels. And again, if Mercy bath rejoyced over Judgment, fo fuould you too~Go and triumphoverDe/lth,Hell,Devii,Da.mnation,and make your boaO: of Mercy all the day long~ 1 Cor. I 5. 55. 0 7Jeath, Where u thy fling ? 0 Grave, Where is thy viUory! You have an– other triumph, Rom. 8. 33• Who foalllay any thing to our charge! And though the Devil be the Accufer of the Brethren, yet becaufe Mercy bath rejoyced over Judgment, therefore we may rejoyce o– ver Satan, and go to Heaven finging. . · Obferv·~ 5. 5. Mercy in mua jign of our intereft in qods Mercy: Mat. · 5· 7· Blef{ed are tht merciful, for they jhall obtain tnercy: They jhall obtain; God will deal kindly with tbem , but ~tis merCJ which they obtain, not ajuft reward. So Prov.I I.a5. The liber.. al Sou/jha/1 be made fat: The Widow of Sarepta's Barrel had no bottom. I lhall thew you what this Mercy is ; ~ris manifefied, 1. Inpitying Miferies: Jefus had c0mpaffion on the multitude, . \' Matt. 15. 3 2. fo fuould we: ~ris not Mercy, unlefs it arifeth from amotion in the bowels; If thou jhalt draw out thy Soul to the hungry, Jfa. )8. 10. Heart and handmuftgo together; boun– ty beginneth inpity. 2· Inrelieving Wants bycounfel, or contri· 6ution: 'Tis not -enough to fay, be clothed, 'lam. 2. r6. 3• In forgiving injuries and offences: Mat. 18. 22. untilfeventy times [even; that is, _toties quoties: ~cis anaUu!lon to Peters number, Mufl I forgive [even times ? yea, faith Chri!l:, feventy times feven : An uncertain number for a certain God multiplieth par.. \ don, Jfai. 55. 7· and fo fuould we: as Tul!y faid of C.efar, Nihil ob/ivifcifoles,nift injuri.u; that he forgot nothing bu: injuries; fo lhould you. Secondly, I{hall fhew you whc:n ~cis a pledg of Mercy : 1. When ~cis done as duty, and according to the manner God bath required; To aiftributc forget not, for Withfuchfacri-. flee qod u Well pleafed: Alms mul1: befacrifice, given to men for .Gods fake; not meerly done as acommendable ~~.a, but in confci•. ~~~~ ~f ~~~ ~~!~~ ~~ T~e g~~'!_'!_d~ ~Hfl ~~ ~~~':.a'!t~le : !hhe ~tg ~