CHAP.2. "}on the Epif1/e of J A M B s. Love: Faith, whien is an apprehenfion ofGods Love to us, b~ger. eth a return of Love to God, and then makt:th ufe of fo fweet an affe8:ion to carry out all irs affs and fervices of thankfulnefs: it ~rft begetteth loqe, and theA maketh ufe of it. ~. There is amigh– ty Aid rfC<?~voo frsm the quick!t~ing Spir:it: Help mgageth to .Artion; mans grea.c eJXcufe is wam of power~ Fajth plamech into Chrifr, and fe rctce.iv€th an :inHuence from him ; HeJiveth in m by hu Spirit, a-nd ~e live in him 'by Faith; and therefore we muft I needs b bring fort.h much fruit. ~ris obfervable, that in the 17. b 1 Ioh 1 r. ,.. and 2.6. Verfes, -that the Apoftle calleth a 'Workjefs fv.ith, adead ' or livelefs fa#h, ·'Voylll <i' the life and quickening of the Spjrit. Where th~re is lif-e, - rh~re will be a fling: Operation followeth Being. Hypocrites are f-aid to be twice dead, pluck.fd 11p by the roots, 'lu4e u. Twice de~td, dead in their naturl\l condition, and deadafter-their prof~ffion, and then pluck§d up; chat is, plainly difcovered to be thofe ' that never had any vital influence from Chrifi. 3· Where there is Faith, ~her:e will be Aims to glotifie God: Faith that receiveth gi:ace, r:e-turneth glory. 1 Pet. z. ~ z. (jlorifie God in the day of vijitation: When God vifiteth their Squls in mercy, theywill bedevifing how-they may do him glory; for Faith is ingenuous, it cannot think of tak._ing w!thout giving: and when it apprehendeth tp~rcy, it-contri,veth what thall .be ren~ dered unto the Lor~. W~l\ then, try yo4r Faith, •cis not anaked alfent, or an ,upaflive al?p~ehenp~m; there will be effects, fome works, which you may know tobegpod, it they be done in Cbrift; x~e.~~ ip.!S, 'WithosJt me, or o11t of me, yo can do nothing, rolm 15. 5. By Chrift I candr; ~t/l.thing..s, through {hrift that ftrengtheneth me, Philip. 4· ·J 3· that ~s, by the .ac1ual influence of his grace: Andfor Chrift, that is, for his fake .and glory; tp.ot .vo ~liv x_~i"®-, Phi!. I. ar. P.auls wRole life, his To ~nP, was confecrated tb Chrifl:, for the ufes and purpofes of his glory. In lbort, they that work in Chrift, a!li<unite:d-to him by faitq, work by {hrift, by the continual fupply of fuis gr,ace, ·al)d for Chrift with an atm at hisglory. ' , 4· From that [ Can .Faithfove him? J That is, Will yGucome Obfervat. 4~ before God with thefe hopes for Sa~vation? We jbou!d cherijh no r;thfr confidence, thenfuch tU Will abide the Day of the Lord, and hold out to Salvatirm. Will thisbe a .Ple~ then when all Mankinde !~ ~i~~er !~ ~~ ~~m~ed1o1:.faved~ to fay~ You made profeffion? cThe c 1 Ioh. ~·. :~.8. -- -- -- -- -·· --· ·-·-- -· f'2!~~ni ty