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296 VnRS.I5,t6. AnExpojition, )VithNotes CHAP.2. folemnity of Chrifis coming is the circumfhmce that is often ufed for detetl:mg ungrounded hopes; as Luf<: 21. 36. Watch andpray, thatyou may be able to before the Son of_man: that is, with. ouc lham'e and remorfe at his coming. So I Joh. 4· 17. That Wt may have boldnefs at the Day of '/udgmmt. ·Men confider what will ferve for the prefent purpofes, ·what will quiet the heart, that they may follow their bufinefs, or pleaCures, wirh the lefs regret ; Oh but confider what will ferve you for Salvatien) what will ferve tun'l at the day of Death, or theday of Judgment: No Plea is fufficient, but wl1at may be urged before the Throne of the Lamb. Well then, Urge this upon your SQuls, .Will this Faich fave me? interefi me in Chri!l, fo as I may have boldnefs at the Day of Judgment? As Chrifr asked Peter thrice, Loveft thoume ? fo put the quefiion again and again unto your Souls, Can I look Chrifi in the fact with thefe hopes ? Sincere graces are called, Tri. £xh~.%J~ Tn~ ruvlneJ.~~, Heb. 6. 9· Things thlft accomp~tny Salvation. This is the iffue and refult of all [elf-enquiries, Is it a faving grace ? No– thing fhouldjatisfie rfle bot what can[ave me. Verfe I). If a Brother or Siffer ue nak!d, and deftitute of dayly bread, Vnf. 16. eA"nd one. of you fa.J to them, D~part in pettce, Ire you Warmed, heyoufilled; notwithflanding ye give - them not thofo t-hings ·that are needful to the body: 'Whflt dorh it profit ? , · If a Brother or a Sifter] The Apofi.le compareth Faith and Charity, and fheweth that Pretences ofFaith avail no more·then Pretences ofCharity. By Brother or Siffer, he meaneth .ChriO:i– .ans united together by the bond of the fame·profdfion ; terms oft ufed in tilat fence in this Epi.file. Be n~lzed,] That is, ill clothed; fo nak.pdnefs ·is often taken: So I Cor. 4· u. fP'e fuffer hung~r. we are nakfd; that isJ deih– tute of neceffary appard. So Job 12. 6. Thou haft flripped the naked oftheir clothing: that is,the ill clothed are brought to worfe poverty by thy extortion. So when men have not adecent garment, or becoming their fiate. I Sam.I9·l4• Saul prophecyednak_ed; that is. without the vefiment of aProphet. .And dcflitute of dayly breadJ ~h~t is, ~ot onely ofn::ode1 ~ate . . . 1upp leS~