fur>plies, but fuch as ~re extreamly _neceffary : They have not from hand-to 'month, or wher-ewith to fuO:a~n life for a·day. Chrifi tall– e~h it; ~~1ov 6m~d'lo'i, prefent btead{Mat~ 6. I I. Under thefe two -notions of naR.ednefs, and hungi:r, he comprehendeth all tile w.cef– fities of the humandife ; for thefe -ate -t~e things lmeriy·neceffary : ThereforiChri11: faith,Ta~no t-hought):wha't ye fh~!l eAt, or'where– withye ]halt b:e c/r;~bJd, . Maf:6~ · g 1. r An_d if '/We. ·hav_e food and ·rA'Jme,;t, let eu b-e t'berewith ton'f-ent, 'i·Tim. 6. 8~ And [acob pro.. ·mifeth Worfhip, ifG(JJ.'Wouldgive him kread toeat, and rayment topitt on~ _Ge-n-tf. zS. zo. TiU the wbrld grew to an height of lux- . . ~bty) this whs enough : The d Bill'of provifions was very Chort,food dCtbus & P~"' , ...;d ,. 11 ..JO ' t -· , , , tw [1111t dnn- 'lln· ra 1 ,,en • .. · · · · ' . . . -- 11-' • r. h ] Th · b .h L b'l' h tt~ Chri{Jtaflo. -. •JAndontoJ JUUJvtJ t-ot cm 1 .; · at IS, t at ata a Itty ot er- r-um Hiewn wi(e todo them g6'6d~ for elfe good withes ~re ilot to be defpifed: ' I and fome can onelt give a cheap alms, prayers and counfel. eSee Luk 2. 79 · Dcp.irt inpe~c~,J eA folemn formof falutation; which is as & z King. 5• 1 ~ 1nuch as, I Wijh JOH well: See Mark..) 1 34• and Lt~k.: 7· 5o. and where on~ly is Lnk_. 8. 48~ a fa luratton _, Beyou Warmed, -or be you filled; J After the general form he ~~~(la~ ~low .. comech to infiance in good willies, fuitable eo the double neceffity of his 0 1 eq~3e~~ fore-mentioned: Be Warmed, th:.t is) be clothed; •cis oppofed to yea, Naaman; naksd : So Job ~ 1, zc. The poor were Warmed 'With the ~e ecc of words i~tp~y jb Th S · h · ' fl ' 9 , ' ' ,, a refoluuon my eep. e eptuagmt ave lt, Hct~fi-M na-ctY 'WO Jt~fd,~ ctfJ.VCVV . , 1 ' .•, B fill d h · · '(h ,. d f fl. · h rarne.r t 1en a ,J;.~s • e e ; t at Is, I Wl you 100 to uuamyour unger~ cafe and reNotwith'Handingyc give them not thoje thingJ \Vhich are need.. gueft. - ful to the body : J That is, when you are able ; otherwife an hear- · ·ry with is of ule and acceptance : So f acap of. cold 1\'ftter is wel- f Mat, xo, 4~, -come; and ~cis not Reafon that othcr·mel4 fhouldbe eafed, ~tnd We bu_rthened, :a Cor. 8. 13. His chief aim was to fbame the rich, · that thought to fatisfie their dutyby afew cheap words, and charitable wifbes; which offencewas as common as pretence of faith, as appeareth) 1 Job. 3· 20. Let m not love inWord and in tongue, -but indedi ~nd in truth. . · what doth .it profit?] ihat is, the Poor, The belly is not filled ·With words, or the back clothed with wifhes; This is bur like that ~madperfon that thought to pay his debts with the nuife of many, and ·in 'fread of -opening his purfe, ' fb~ked it : The Poor will nor t'h~nkyo~~ for. ~Q·?d wil.hes, neither wtll God forfoying yon IHwe {fl zt/;;. · The