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upon the Epiflle of J A M B s. V&ll s. I~. t 6. 1erem. 3• x. e>therwife ·cwill be of fpecial ufe to tbame us with negleCl:, to opena gap to conviction, to fhame ,ns with the abfur– dity and irrationality of our inferences in matters of Religion. 2. From that [If 11 BrotiJer or aSijhr] Gods own people ma1 he Obferv"t· 1; deftitute of necej{ary eutward [upports: Htbr. I I. 37• They of whom the w1rld WaJ no~ worthy, wandered about,def/itute, ajjliCf·. ed, tormented. 'Tis true, David faith, Pfol. 37·l)· I h11ve bee,. young, and nowam old, pt neverJaw I the righteomforfak..m, or theirfeed begging hread: Bur either he fpeaketh meerJy upon his own experience, or alferteth that they were not forfaken though begging bread; or elfe he fpeaks of the {hamtful trade of begging, J . which among the Jews was a tokenofGods curfe; as Pfld·59·I)• Let them W!lnder upand down for meat, andgrudg if they be not fatisjied. So, let them be vag~bonds, Pfal. 109. to. Certainly the Jews had more of the carnal and outward bleffingof the Covenant then Beleevers under the Gofpel, it being more fuitable to their Dif'Penfation. 3. Bare "Words Will not d~(charge or fatisfte Duty. Good words 0/Jjerv. J.' aregood in themfelves, ~nddo become aChrifl:ian mouth, but they mufi not be re'fied in. Some cannot go fo far in profeffion as good words, religious conference, and holy difcourfe : Words argue that you have a knowledg of duty; and b~Jrc \tords, ·that you wane an heart for it. 4· 11ore particularly q9ferve, That a fe-w charitable \\Jords a~e Ol{erv;tt~ ~~ not enolt)h. Some mens words are fierce and cruel, others love in· 1 J h 'Word and in tongue; but this is not enough. Words are cheap. 0 • 3.~o. complements coft nothing, and will you ferve God with that which cofieth nothing ? Words are but acold kinde ofpity ; g The ~ ~e:ter ns11. belly is not filled with words, but meat ; nor is the back clothed a e aum. with good willies. Words are but a derifion ; you mock the poor, when you bid thembe wt~trmed, be filled, and do not mini!A:er to their neceffities: Nay;"tis a kinde of mocking of God; Gal. 6. 7· Be not deceived, God unot mockfd: He fpeaketh of f1:1ch as wouhi fain be acco!lnte~ liberal and charitable, but ·cwas onely in words and exca(cs. · Q..q i Verfe