Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

- f.Jhforvat. .. .._ - - An E~po.fttion, With Notes Verfe I7· E11cn fo lt{tiJk, if,i.t p~ve ,~Qt Wo_rk;.,_ .¥4<,d~ '~em~ alonQ·, . · ' . · Here he cometh to accommE>date: the inH:~nce and fimilitQde-, and theweth tha_t ana~ed Profel.lion of f~ith i,s nq bet~er then~ verbal Charity _; Go.J looketh upon it as deaq"cokl, ~ncl u(defs.. . E v en fo Ftsith,] He fpeaketh accordit1g to thei~ p,re(\1-U)ptioo, You call it F~~tith; ~nd, according to appearance, it hatb fome nefs to Faith, but 'cis dead in its ftlf, · if it have not Work!,.] He clothnot ondy intend a~ .of Cbari.. ty,butallotberfruits.andoperationsof Faith. /_ . , , . Is dead 2 ] The Apofile [peaketh in allufiol1 to ~C,Qip~, or<\ de~d Plant, whicivfi~th onely an outwa(d (lmili~gde ~nd }i~<e.n~fs JO thofe whichare living ; "'Tis dead in regard of rt~ot~ ~ncl dead in regard of fruits; ~ris voyd ~f the lift: of c;hriit, ~nd 'tis voyd of good fruits : Operation , or Motion , is an Argument and etfeel of I;ife. . --.. . · ., '. Being alone.] In the Original £®71),, ;cis Q.ead by i~s felf, .or dead in it~ felf; that is, bow great foever it'b.e, •c1s all dead. We tranOate it Being ~lone, as noting the _emptio6rs, b~rrennefs,_, and nakedneCs of fucb ptofersion or get:Jeral affenrs ;. a.od fo it iuit~th. with that known Maxim among the Protefiants, Sola fides. jf(;fl-i-. ficat,fed non fi da qu~t eftfol>~; That fa_#~ f1/onej~ift~th, but not that f#tith which uaLone; not anak§d, ~tj{~nt$ or bare profetsion: which interprecaeion is fuiwble encugn·to the, Cont.~xt~ · 7 hat falfe Faith u ~t dead Faith : It cannot !I. Cl, no more then a dead body can :uife and walk_; ~riS'del!ld, becaufe it dothnot unite us to Chri!l:: True Faithplanteth \lS intQ_Chdt1, and fo re· ceivech virtue and life from him: I live by F~tit~ in the SDn ofGod, Galat. z. zo. 'fls dead, b~caufe it cloth not difq>Verits fdf in any motions or operations of lite: you may know there is life by t~e beating of the pulfe:s: Aliving Faich.will be atl:ive, and bewray lt felf in !ornegrievous dtefts; There will be livelinefs- inholyDLt· ties : Dead Work s do not become the living God, Hcbr. 9· 14. There will be fomewhat more thm Morality in tiuties ot Con– verfatit'n ; yea, thc:rt wtll be life in deach its felf. Faith is the h~e of our ltves, rhe Soul that animatech the whokbody ot Obedt· ~llO;': Fa1th i~ not always alike liveI]~ buc where ' cis true~ 'tis al· · · · " · · - · - .. , .. -- ways