CtLAP .z. upa1J!he Epiflle. of JAM B. s. VERS.I8. ways living. ·We:re.a~~f a~fivelffaZ:th, and a fivelj hope, I Pet. x.~ J•.!l?d' then wehavqa sre~~fr feelin~ 0~ 1hemotions: <_>f the fpi· ritual hfe: At ether- times CIS onely ltvmg, and then 1f you be not fenfible of life, you will beJenfible of deadnefs : Stnfe is the · loweil: token of:life J you will be c0mplaining and gro.aning under corruptioes. We11 then, ·hereby you. may t(y,your Faith ; Doth it receive .life from ChriiH cloth it aCl:? ·If Cbrifi be in yon, he wouldliveinymr•..NevenJ,ink of 'livingWith Ch11i/], unfefs you live in Cbrift ·' Aod·there is none liveth in Chrift, but he bringetll forthmuchfruit, J.oh. 15. 5· l Yerfe I 8:. Te~, -a.mann,ay faJ, Thou haft F.eith, t~nd I h.-ve work!: fhew me th] Faith without th] Work!, and I will foew_ thee my Faith hy tn) Wor.k), The .Apofileamplifieth ~the ·ptrt!fent .Argum~m againtl: an e~pty folitaryFaith, by fuppofing a Dialogue -between a Bdeev~r, chat «nmanifeit .his Fatt~' by),his Works, and a· boafiing Hypocrite, that can produce n0. fach-effuet and expc:rience ·~ So enac ehe difputa d0thnot li~ folnrtchb~cween:.Faith and WIJr-~·, as between Fa-ith pre,endedand -F;tith ·difcov.er.ed by Works ; for the Apo'fik cloth not introduce them fpeaking chus, Thou fiandel\ upon thy Faith1 and I ug~>n iny Works; bur, Skw ,ne th] Fatth without Wot:k.J, antl:i. WJIJ (ff·p. ' t~t is;.-~she.w m~a wa~;r.aQt for thy .Faieh, and' I w)ll fmon prb..v.e n1ine'0Wt;.J~'' l t • • 1 . :lfe~t, a· ma~t • m4y:jay;]~'Tha~ is, Some ~rue Beleever may co1M andplead thN~with ~ boail:ing Hypocrite, · Th8u haft Faith,] Let it be as thou fayfi, butthat•s all thou haft, anaked profeffion of.Fai~h. or at befi, but fome Hiftorical Af– fent ; ~ £or the Apofde grameth that, V~rf. 19. yea, not onely to them, but to · the D~vilS: . . And I haveWork; :-] .Hedoch not meanwithout Faith, that's contrary to an expreffion in the Text, I will {hew thee my Faith by my WorkJ: Works without Faith are as a building without a foundation, but atls ofnature lufired with common graces: Thou boafidt wtth thy tongueof Faith; I fhall not boafi, but produce Works, which arc bur a re~~t Apology andCsmmt-N~tian. Chrill: produceth no othertefiimony but his Works 1 Mat. II. 4,5. Our . - ~~rk~ ~~be~ pro~lfe tN in the gates. · · .. · · · - ~q 3 Shew_