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;o~ Vuu.rS. .An ExpofitiQ~. with Notn CHAp. 2 ·; Shew me thy Faith without thy Work!,] This claufe is diverOy read in the Original: Some, as Oecummim, read onely, Jlei~011 . 7~11 ?rlntvo-~, Shewme thy Faith, and I wi!!foon warrant mine. Moft copies read, C.U. <IV ~f')II(}V, thatis, prove thy Works, fince they are fuch, or infeparable fruits of Faith, where are they? But the mofi: approved,copies have, x~e.H ~')luv, without thy Work..s; and the meaning is, Thou wantefi the truefi tefiimony and difcovery of Faith: Now, .lhew me Juch a Faith; that is, make it good by a~y warrant from the Principles and Maximes of our ReligiOn. . '-·. . ~nd 1 will {hew thee my Faith by my Wor~s.J That is, foon evidence it to the world, or foon evince it eobe true Faith out of the Word. The Notes are thefe.: Ob[crv t I. A great means to conviKJce Hypocrites, is to foew howgrace ' a 'I , work§th i-n true Chriftians. The Apofile infiitutethaDialogue be– tween both : Thus Chrill: compareth the two Builders, Matt. 7. ~4,,&c. and the wife Virgins, and the foolilh, M~ttt. 15 . .This a•. wakenetb emulation • it lbeweth that the aufierities of Chrifiiani:.i ty are po'n}b_le. .Others can go higher then ypur forms; Take this courfe, Do we live as they do? as they that through faith and pa– tience inherit t.he Promifes. . objerv. 2. · ~ 2-.· from th~t [ Shewme thy Faith without Work_.r,&c.J In ~ell Mr hopes and conc.eits of grace we jhou/d a/wap look_ to the·war- . rant we have for them. Can I iliew or prove this to be Faith . or Love by any Rational Grounds, or Scripture·,Arguments ? IfChri– ftians would look to the wlflrrant t~[ their Hopes, they might dif– cernmoreof the guile of their fpiric. ·Prefumption is a raili trufl, without the fight of an aCl:ual or clear ground. He that built on the fand, b111ilc hand over head, not confidering whether the foun– dation were fufficient to fupport the ll:ruet:ure: But he that built on the rock, did not onely copfider whether it would bear up fuch a flrefs, but was clearly refolved in his minde of the firength and fufficiency of the foundation. 'Tis good to belcoeve lt4 the Scrip– turefaith, {oh. 7· 38. to cherilh no perfwafion without an atlual fight Gf a clear and difiinCl: warrant, that we may be able to {hew our Faith, upon all cavils and challenges; that is, evince it to be good. · · Obforv. 3· 3• Work! arr an t'llidtn~e of true F11ith. Graces are not dead - · ufelefs