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~HAP.2. Npon tbe Epiflle of J A .M E 5. VBRS.I8. ufetefs babiEs, they will have fome etfeds and operations, when they are weakefi and in their infancy. ~ris faid of Paul, as foon as he was regeoerate, Beh~ld, he pr.:~yeth. New-born Children will cry, at leafi before they are able to go. This is the evidence by which we mufi judg, and this is the evidence by which Chrifr will judg. I. The Evidence by which we mufi judg : 'f-is the drift of many Scriptures to lay down evidences taken from Sandificati– on and the holy life, they were written to this very purpoft:; as more efpecially, ·p[~tl. I19· and the firfl: Epi!l:le of John, fee I {oh. 5.1 3• Yea, condufions are drawn to our hands: faid, Hereh.J we may k_now, c;7c. See 1 Joh. 3· 14. and 1 !oh.3.. 19. , In many places Promifes art> given out, with defcriptions ·annexed, tak~n from che: me_eknefs, piety, ._good. works of the Saints ; as P fa_!. r. I, :z.. Pfa!. 3 2. 1, 9· Rom, l:). I. Good works are_the mofl: fenfible difcovery ; all caufes are known by their effed:s : The apples,leavesJ and bloffoms are evident, when the life and fap is not feen. 2. This is the Evidenc~according to whichChrifi proceedeth at the Day of Judgment: R1vel. 10~ 12. They were judged according to their , work.!. So Mat. 7· 23. Depart from me, ye that work.. iniquity: They made. profeffion, but their works were naught. ·so Matth. tl)•4I,42• You may make ufe of this Note, to judgyour[elves, and to juJg_ Vfo.. others. 1. Yourfdves: When the caufes are hidden, theetfcch are.fenfibl~ ; therefore you'may try gracesby their fruits a~d ope· • Bona op<'ra l rations. . Wor~sareno~ agroundo~confidence, but an evuknce ~ Jtmt JJm:cpt<t. · not thefoundattiJns offa•th, but the zncour~tgemmts ofaJJur~tnce: damjemmarza, _ Comfort may be incre~t{edby the fight of good works, but ..cisnot ~hant~ttS built upon them; They arefeeds of hope, not prop; of confidence; mccnltttt'~, 1 e f 'd f 1 .a.· -. h r. db . occu a pr.:eu'"' .weet e-&t ences o eel:don, not c~tuje~ ; apry pretagesan . egt~- fii;ratiorm j 11 ... mgs ofglory. In fhorc, they can mamfej] an mterefr, b.uc not mem dicia ,11on f/d~. it. VVeba~epeace withGodby. the Righteoufnefs·of Chrifl, and cite[unia>nen. - · peAce ,of Confcience by theTruits of Right<!oulnefs in our {elves. ~a,_ {ittu,-£ fe– But more of~this,anon. 2. OthersmayRi)~dged by ~h~ir works : ~~f:::;.t.e.._ where there IS knowledg, and agood ltfe, tts not Chrt!ban -to fuf- B~xnard• . pe~ the ·~ea~t. Tne Devilfaid, whenhe had nothing tG>",opje~ ~gamfiJobs life, Doth !obforveGodfqr nought? Ifm~nbe"knowing, and_ profefs, and be fruitfulingood works; ~tis·an injury 'to fay, they onlJ civil, morllimen. Profe.flionmay be counterfeited, llut whe!!:(i~ h()now:ed withwork:, you mu-0: .leave the .heart. tb -- ·-- - . ----· ···- ·-·---- - --- - -· ·-· G .J· • . Ou..,_.