Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

VE 1\.S.t9. God; fjam.Io27 . To be nnd~~led, and viftr f•tthetlefj ttmlw'idows, ·that's true Religion; that· is th~ great nbt~ ~ndi \iifc:ovetyqf"it. Empty profeffion m:ty have l:tlore of a· party m1t, then of power; b111t profeffion honoured with works ~s Charities rt:ile to jttdgby._· I' !'-.... ... ' ,.. ~ • ,Verfe 19. Thou ifulitvefl the'fe u fme ~dd, thbu tlojhf'dff j · the Devils aljo beheve t~nd ttm1bU. · · • · , this inlhnce ilieweth what faith he difputeth againll, namely~ fuch as confifieth in hare;peculation and Jtnow!edg; whichcan no more fave-a man, then looking on the fame can trabftatea man inro the fphere and orbofit. • J 1 > "f~ ( I f • Thoti /,elieveft] That is, affentefi 'to this trutl:q 'Pbe lowdt aCt offaith is invefied with the name ofbelieving. · · There u one God,]He inflanceth in thisPropolition,though he cloth limit the matter only to this, partly becaufe this w·aS the fitfi Article of the Creed,the prjmitive truth in Religion,That there is one God; by it intending aJfo affent to other Articles ofReligion:: Partly be– caufe this was the crirical differenct' between them and Pagans, and the Shibboleth of the Chrifiian Profeffion as to Heathens. Thou doft 'Well;] ~ris an approbation of fuch aLfent fo far as •tis good, and not refied in; though it be notf~ving, yet fo far as 'cis hiftorical it is good, good in its kind, ·as acommon work and pre– paration; for fo ' cis required:, 0 Ifrael,o'!tr Godi& 1neLord, Deut.6.4. And fo in another Article dfReligion ' cis faid, I ·{<~h+z. He that believeth JefmChrift .U come in thf flefh, u ofGQd; that is, fo far forth God. The Devils alfobeli!ve] That is, a'ifent to this trUth, andother truths revealed in the Word. And tremble.] ·~P~ias~4',, !he wotd fignifieth ex.tream fear, a.(ld horrour of fpirir, -it rorneth from ~vj, a word·that implyeth that noife which is caufed by the totnmotion _of th'e Sea>: Nbw diis clailfe is a-dded, they tremble, rt~t to imply (as{ome fuppofe) that they ·do more th(h a!fent, a~ having an ~~rtenc1: offome workup- . on'r1le1t aWeaion·s, ·but to ·difpro~e this f<ind·of faith, and ,to~ruew ih~t it i~ 'not raving; they hate .1\} a~U'in~whkh,~aufe~h ·· h~~r'~r~ urrncrJt, bt\t they th~ve rtor~ fa_tili ·w~1~~ c,mf~~ ·t:a'l(ftd~nc~ ~ra ;p~ace; the ~to-per fttut of-chat fa1th whrth·ts)uftifytns, ·'J1.oT!t. f5• 't• £phef. 3•llo . · ·· . · Bt1re