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30'6 VB1\ 5·19• A• Expo.fttiQ11, -with Notu CHAp. 2 • thing, and are worth nothing=. T~re is~form ofk.._now/edg, Rom. ~.2("• .as a form D-fgodhnejs, 2 Ttm+5• A form of ~ow- \ ltdg lS nothmg but an ideA or Module of truth in the brains whe~ there is no power or virtue to change and transform th~ ~~~ . Obfl rv At. 2• 2· From that [Tho11 doft Well;] ·risgood to own the !e~tfl ap– pearance ofgood in mev; fo far 'tis well, faith the Apofile: ·rq commend th11t 'Which it good, iJ the ready way to mend the refl : This is a fweet Art of drawing on men further and further · fo far· as it is good own it. 1 Cor. I I. z, with 17. In this I praifeyou; faith Paul; and again, In this l_praije you not. Jefns loved the young man for his moral excellency, Mark__Io.zi. ·rwasan hope.. ful fie-p. "fis good to take off the fcandal of being[tvere Cm– furers, not to be always blaming: It reproveth them that blafi the early budd ings of grace, and difcourage men as {oon as they look toward Religion, by their fevere rigour; like * the Dragon that ~Rev .u 4 watched to dcflroy the man-child asfoon as hewas llorn. The in– fant and young workings of grace lbould be dandled upon the lap \ of Commendation; or,like weak things, fofiered with much gen.. tknefs and care. Qbflrvat.3• 3· The Devils afJe»t to the Articles ofChrijlidn Rdigion. It cometh eo pafs partly through the fubrlety oftheir natures, theyare jmelleClual Effences; partly through experience of Provideoces, fight ofMiracles: They are fenfible of the power ofGod, in refcu– jng m~n from their p1ws; fo that they are forced to-acknowledg there is a God, and to rconfent to many truth$ in the Scriptures: I There are many Articles acknowledged ac once in Mat.8.29. 'JtjHJ thou Son of God, *trt thou C6·me to torment w before our time i They acknowledg God, Chrifi the Son of God, not in an ordinary adoptive way; for 'd) Lu~4. Th.4t thou art the holy One of God; then a day of {udl[ment; which will occafion more tormei4t to themfdves, and other finners: And fo you fh:lll fee Paul adJ'ured ·.l· theD.:vil by theName of Chrift , ACl:s 16. 18. And the Devils anfwer the fons of Sceva, Paul I k_~ow, and /e[UI I k._now, but who ·~re re ! A& I 9 ;1 5. They acknowledged ,thaot Jefus as the Mafter, Paul as the Servant and Meffenger,had mightily iliaken their Pow. er and Kingdom: So ~cis faid, Phil.z. 1 o. 'rhing.r under the tA.,th. \ that is, the Devils who are turned intoHell, which is repreft~ted as a fubterram:an place, do b~w_ the k,zlu to ~hrift! ~tll then, never