CR.&P.a. U?Jnthe Epiflluf J 4 M Is. ViilU.t,. · 307 never refi in thf Devils faith; Can .the Devds i>e jufl:iiied, 'Or be faved? Theybelieve there is A_§~, ~at there is a Chrifl, that Chriff dyed f(jr jinners : 'A:Cbr.ifban IS to exceed aoo gobeyond Devils; nay, beyondother meh, beyo~d Pag~ns, nayb~yond Hypocrites in the Church, nay beyond htmfeH, he mufl: forget the things that .are behiod, &c, ·ns not a notable check ro Acbeiftical ,thougats, Should I be worfe then Dtvi!J ? D.:tvid faid, I 'nf.IU .u a be~ft before thee, Pial. 73· 23. And Agur, Prov. ~o. 2· Surdy I . trm more bruitifh then any mP~n, and httvenot the underflandingof a 11illn. Whilfi we go about toHngod God, we do but unmttnour felves : Nay worfe, an Atheiil: is not only aB;aft, but aDevSI; Chrifl:·called ft'ld.u Devil, Joh 6,7o. Nay worfe chen Devils; the Devils are under the dread of this- truth J we are frupid, infenGble ofProvidence,carele[s of Jndgmmts, when the Devils believe and tremble : The Lord might well expofrulate thus; Fea.r ye not me, 0 foolifo people , that have no underflanding ? Jerem. 5• 21, 12. . 4• Horror is the ejfeEl ofthe Devils k_nowltdg: T.he more they Obforvat. <f. 1 know ofGod, the greater trembling is there imprdfed upon them. They were terrified at a Miracle, or any glorious Difcovery of ) ChnHs Power onEarth: Art thou com~ t() torment m before our timu ? Wtll tl1en, hence you may collect : I. Light that yieldeth m no con:f(}Yt i.s .but dark_~efs : The Devils have kn~wledglefr, but ) no comfort, thm:fore fatd to be held eender cham.f ofdark,.ne[s., rude 6.. The more they think ofGod,the more they tremble. ~ris miferable to have only light enough to awaken Confcience, and ) knowledg eno1:1gh to be [elf-condemned, to God, but not eo enj~ him : The Devils c.annot chufe but .abominate their own thoughts ofcbe D~ity. Oh reil not then, till 'you have gotten fuch .aknowle.dg ~fGod as yi~ld~th ~otlJ~or~: Pja/.36.9. ln thy light ) foalL we fee bght ; there IS ltght mthts ltghr, ~u other ltght is dozrk.,– -ne[!. 1· All k-.n"wledg of God out of Chri{f is uncomfortable: ) ...That's the Reaft.m why the Devils tremble ; they Gannot know God .as a Fflther, but as a !udg; not as aFriend, but as al'l Ene• my: Faith looking upon God as aFather, and as aFriend, yielde~h } pMc-e ~o :tlAe 'So.ul,RQm,5 .I. ~~d fear i~ caHout,forfear bath tor.. meHt .m st, 1 Jo.h.4.18. _Th1s IS the mtfery of Devils, and damned, and natural men, that they cannot t>hink of God without hor.. .ror; wher.eas this ·is the· folace and comfort of the Saims,·that . · R r 1- • there