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CHAP. I. upon the Epiftle of' J A M E s. . - ::;nd account: So Hcb.I r.26. 'Tisfaid, That Mo[CJ efleemed the reproach of Chrift,better then the treafures ofEgrpt: His choycc you fee was founded io his ju?gmmt a~d dl:eem. . 2 , Judg by a fupernamrall1ght: Chnfis eye-falve mufi dear your fight, or elfe you cannot make a right judgment: There is no pm– perand fit apprehenfion of things, till ycu get within the vail, and fee by the light ofaSanfluflrJ Lamp. I Cor.2. IT. The thingJOf God k..noweth no man,hut by the Spirit ofGod : Ee h:td faid before, Verf.9. Eye bath not feen,ear bath not heard:.&c.(i.e.) Natural fmfes do not perceive the worth and price offpiritual privikdges; for I fuppofe the Apofile fpeaketh not there of the incapacity of our llndedl:andings to conceive of heavenly joys, but of the unfuitable– nefs of fpiritual objects to carnal fenfes; a man that hath no other light but reafon and nature, cannot judg of thofe things; (jods · Riddles are only open to thofe that plow with GodJ Heifer:and 'cis by Gods Spirit that we come to difcern and efl:eem the things that are ofGod; which is the main drift of the ApofUe in that Chapter. t So David, Pfal. 36.9. In thy light we foal! fee light; that is, by his • Spirit we come to difcern the brightnefs of glory or grace, and tQ.e nothingnefs of the world. ' .3. J udg by fupernatural grounds: many times commort grounds may help us to difcern the lightnefs of our grief, yea carnal grounds; your counting mufi be anholy counting :Thofe in the Prophet faid, The hrick.J aref,;~llen,butWe will buildWith hewen ftones.,I[a. 9· ro. •Tis a mifery, but we know how to remedy it: fo many defpife their troubles, We can repair andmak! up thi.J·lofs again, or kpo\~ ho\-V trJ deal Well enough with thu mifery: All this is not a right judgment, but vain thoughts; fo the Prophet calleth their carnal debates and reafonings,Jer.4.14.How long foall vain thoughts lodg Within thee ? that is, carnal fhift:s and contrivances, by which they defjifed t~e judgment, rather then improved it. True judging and counting always fotloweth fome fpiritual difcourfe and reafoning, and is the refult of fome principle of faith or patience ; as thus, •I is ll mifery, but God Will turn it to our good; GodJ Correflions are foarp, but we ht~ve ftrong corruptiorts to be mortified; we are called to great tryals,but We may rec~on upon great hopes,&c. , , . ~· From that [all joy J Affiitl:ions to Gods people do not only Ob[tr7Htt. 3· mmd.l:~ occafion ofpatience, but great joy ; the world hath no reafon to think Religion a black and gloomy way, as the Apofile , - C 2 faith)