VER.$.2,0. An Expojition, withNotes there is aGod: Pfal.I04·34·MJmeditation ofhim jha!l be[weet: And C~tnt. I. 3. Thy Name iuu an c;intmcnt poured out, full of fragrancy and refrefhing. Salt waters being firained · through the earth become fweet: Gods Attributes, which are in themfelves terrible and dreadful to a fin!Jer,being derived ro us through Chrift, ,. .yield comfort and fweetnefs. The Children of God can long for the day, when Chrifis Appearance will be moll terrible : Even fo Lord re[m, come qui,·k'J· . . · · Verfe zo, But w1lt thou know, 0 vain matJ, thflt faith Without Works is de~d? _ Here h~ re-inforceth the Difpnte againfl acarnal Profdfor; the Difputation is not about the Caufo of J uftijication, but what we thould think of an empty faith. But wilt thott k_now,] That is, wilt thou rightly underiland and confider of the matter, or harken to what can be faid againfr thy faith? The like form of fpeech is nfed, Ram. I 3+ Wilt thou then . ~or be t4fraid of the power? th:it is, b~ taught how not so fear lt. 0 vainman,] ~vefc.ns ~t~v~ , an empty man ; am~ taphor ea ken frqm an empty vdfel; 'cis the parallel word to RA KA, which is forbidden, Mat. 5. 22. The Septuagint render RI K 1 M by. ~v9e_q;~ · x.~ v ~ ~, 'j udg. I r. 3. Yon will fay, Was it lawful for the Apoftle ro ufe fuch words of contempt and difgrace? I anfwer, I. Chrifl: dotQnot forbid the word, but theword ufed in anger; you fhall fee fool, another term there forbidden, is el[ewhere ufed by Chrifi him.felf; Mst. 23.1 7· 0 yefor;/s and blind: And- Lu~24-25..0 J'C ( · ,. 8 . 1 t fools,andflowofheart,tobelicve: And[o•]Jaul, Gal.3.I. Oye tcnottnurfi t :n..c I h' Th . d·rt: b c,rr voncerti homi oo lJ<{ · a at Mns. ere IS_ a 1rrerence etween. nece; 1 ary cor- ~es ,fed arta rellio;;u, and contemptuomJPceches or reproofs. ~ '2. ... ;.The Apo!Ue ~uminum gtn~- cloth not direct this to any o~e perfon, but to fuch an ord~~t or fqr_t t" Grot: m of men; fuch fpeedies to pnvate perfons favour of prirJafe anger : vaun. 1 but being direth~d to fuch a fort of men,. do bu~note the jufi de- \ tdil:ati-on ofaprtb!ike Reproof. , . . That faith without w'ork.f is dead? J Mark, he cloth not fay, l faith is dead without \Vork_s,bu·t faith Without \VorkJ isdead: there is a differc,nce in thefe predications; as if he faid,faith is·dead with– out Work.!~ it wou~d have argued 1 that works are the ca11[e that · · · -- · ·-- - -- · · - ·- life