Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

.. J A M H s. · Vs R s.2o. . life to faith, whereas they .are ejfeas that argue life in faith: As for I -inftance, a rrMr;;without motion u· de~d is proper, but a man i& dead · :: without motion is·a pr.edication far ·different; Briefly, in this Dif– pute the Apofile' prbc~e( upon the':{~ppo.Gtion of _feverarMax- } ims: As, 1. · That th~·way to know graces.ts by thetr efft'cts and. operations, as caufes ate known by rheir nece!fary effect-s. 2. That works ar~ an effect of faith; faith without Wor~s is dead, and WorkJ are deadwithout faith: So that works that ' are gt:acious I are·aproper perpetual· air~ 'infeparable effetl offaith.; they are fuch effects as do not give life to faith, but declare it; as Apples do not give life to the tree, but lbew it torth. The Notes ~re thefe : . ·' 1. From that [Wift .thou k!z·ow,].Prefumer._~ are either igno· Obferv. I• ra,Jt or inconfiderate. Falfe and mifiaken faith is ufually a brat of ·darknefs; either men . do . not underfl:and what faith 1 is, or · not confider what they do ~ · Ignorance and incoj,itancy maketh fuch Unwarrantable conceits toefcape without cenfure. z.Fr~m .that [ 0 vain ,or em_piy .m.-m~J Temporaries are but. v~n Obflrv.. z ~·; ltke empty veffds,fu!l ofWmd, ami mak_e thegreateft found; -they are full ofwindy prefurnp-tions,andbMftingprofejfions• .r. Full ofwind,they'have a litrle airy koowledg,fuch aspuffech up; z Pe t• . :.y, 8•. Barren.and unfruitful in tbe.k.._nowledg of our Lordand Savioltr Jefm Chrift: .There is b1owledg, but 'tis abarren and Lil1· · . fruitful knowledg; they are voyd and defiicute of any fclid grace. 2. ora great found and noife ; . can talk of g'race, boafr of know- ·Jedg, glory in Ufually Prefurners are.of a ileight frothy fpitir~ that areall for rongue,and an·~rripty:profdiion: Avainfaith anda vain man are'oft fuited and matched. - 3· Hypocrites m~Jl be rou:t:.edwith fome alpcrity ttndjbarpnef!. Obflrv. 3:•'. So the,Apofrle, 0 -rJain man; fo Chrifi, 0 jefoolifh ~md blind; fo . 'Job~ the ·ffap~~tl:~ ,;!' C?' ye. generation'ofVipers. Hypo'crites are ufu- • Mar. 3 . 9 . , aUy-mconfiderate, and of a neepy confcience, fo that we mr:dl: not WbiJPer, , but\Crtaloud~ An open Gnner bath a eonfiant torment -and bondage uponhisfpirir, which is foon felc,and foon awakened; but anHypoc~ice ·is able·to make defences and replies: We mufi,by the w.arram of thofe gr~ac Examples, deal withhim more rough· ly ; mtldnefs doth but footh him in his error. . · 4~ That An empty barren faith i5 a de~tdfaitb: I noted this be- Ohforv. 4.. - lore, let m~ ;o~~~~~ it again~ 'Iis ade-adf•lith, t, Becaufe it may· -- -- R ~ 3 .- . -···· - . Lhq~ ,