Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

310 . VBllS,2.Io An Bxpofttion, 'With Notes fraud wit~a~atnral frate, in ~hich '!le are Jead in treJPa({es -~rnd fins. 2. Tts Jearl, becaufe Jt rece1verhnot thequickening inHu· ences oftheSpirit. 3· 'Tis iJ~ad, becaufeit wantecb the effeel cf life, which is operation,; ·all life is theb~ginningt>foperation; tend– etb to operation, :and is increafed byoperation ; fo faith is dead like a root of a tr~e in theg.round; wben it-cannot produce the-or: dinary effects and fruits ot faith. 4· Tisdead, becaufe unavailable to eternal life, _of no mbre ufe and fervice toyou then a dead thing• .. Luk 17, 1 0 pluck it{)fr~who would fuffer a dead plant in hisgarden? *why cumbereth it theground? Verfe ::r.I. W.u not Abr~th~tm our Ftttber jttjlified /Jy ~\7ork.J;whm . he offeredI{t~IIC upon the Alt"'r t . Here be propoundcth the demonflntio!l·that might :convince the ¥ain man, which is taken from the example-of A.'brah~tm; the Be– leevers of the Old arrd NewTefiament being111l-jufl:ified the fame way. · · · - WtU not Abraham 6Ur father] He inO:anceth in A&raham, be- . caufe he was the prime Example and Idea of Juflt!icacioo, and be- * Rom._4· 1Jt, caufemany were apt to plead that infiance urged by * Pa.ul, and be3·4~&:c, caufe he was aman of fpecial reverenceand efieern among theJews: And he calleth him- Our Father, becaufe he was fo to tOOfe to whom he wrote, to the twelvedifperfed Tribes, and becaufe he is ·to all the faithful, who are defcrihed to be thofe that th~ fleps ofourJ~tther Abrah;em, Rom. 4· I z. .And indeed this is the {olemn name and tiole ;that 1 is given. t~ Abra·ham in the Scriptures, Abraham Our F~tther: See l'Ohn 8. verf. ·N· AfJs7.z. Rom. 4• I. Iuflifoed by Work},] That is, declared to be jufl: by his works j before God.and the worlp. But youwilt fay,. Isnot tbis_ceormary to Scripture? 'dsi'aid,.&j)m, -3·3:0. 1Jy.thew~of.- .:/':.~wno man u jruftified; ltldparnicularly 'tis faid cl Akrcft-ht.~, .t~t ke w.M nut jHflvfted byWor.k!,R.o.m.Zf.2.How ihall we 4!econ0lle thls ~trfenemce:? I ihall mot enter npo111 themain ·Q..uefi:i{9n, till ii come to t-he:l-f. vetfe ·; .only for rlre clearingcf the:pnefeot·d@_ubc giveme lea•e to return fomethingby wayof t3nf.wer _: S.ome lliflingllithof Ju!Hfi– .cacisn, 'cis either.iiJfvr:t di'fl.ino, .C!Jr b.msam, in Hea.v,e.n.,'l.>t b.efore "'!'n,andt~! ~~~(~~~~ ~~n ~nfo•nc:~:~, :or m thejig~