Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

Hponthtt Epiflkof JAM Jl S. V&R!.ll. "'otberJr ·in thetwo latter fences theygram, rhat works do ju~ j flifie, thoughnot before~~' y~t i~ the Court of C~npienc~, ~nd before the w,r/d: The dlihnchon 1s not altogerh~r Wlthont war– rant of Scriprare; for By th1deeds of the Law.foallt~a ) . flefo be jtd1iftcd in his jght : Mark that, IN H l s SI GH'J ;. im. ptying,there lS another J uflifioation before men, which may take in works. So al!o Ro.m. 4· 2. That AbrahKm had Not wkercof to glor1 before God: That lafi daufc implyeth he could avonch his ~ocerity (as .. Joh alfo did) before men. WtU then, according to .. Iob 3t. . this opini.on thefe twoplac~s n1ay be thns reconciled ; Pau/ fpeak– ethQf che ufe and office of faith in foro Divino, before God, and 1ames fpeaketh of the: etfeds and qoalities of faith, by whic:h it is juftified before mm : And thus the bufinefs may be fairly accom– modated, but that I believe there is fomewhat more in it, becaufe he fpeaketh of fome ·fpecial Jul1ification that Abra.ham received, upon his offering of Jfllac; and you lh~ll find, thtt fromGod he thtn received ajuftification ofhufaith, though rh_irty years before rhar he had received a juftification ofhis perfon : When he was an * Idolarerand ungodly, then God called him out of grace, Gm.u. -~r Iolh, ~4 ~. 3· and jufiified him: 'Tis fa id, He believed, and it was cou11ted ta Rom.$ .4, himfor righteoufoe{s,Gen. I 5.6. He was jufti'6ed by imputation, and abfolved from guilt and fin, fo as it could not lie upon him ro damnation : But now when he offered !folic,. his faith was jufhfied · tobe true and right, for char Command was for the tryal of it ; therefore upon his obedienceGod did two things, renewed the . promife of Chrifi to hiin, Gen•.n.I6, 17. and gave him a~efiimony . · and declaration of his fincericy, verf. 1%. Now I k..pow that thou , fe~erefl god, faith Chdfl to him, who is there cdled the Angel of the Lord. I concdve, as works are figns i11foro humano, to men, . by which they m~y jU'dg ot the qualityof faith ; fo in foro Dt·vino, . before God, God judgingaccoding to our \\lork_.r, as 'ds difiintlly faid,Rev. 10.12.. God wilt evinc~ the faith of his Saints to be right by prpducHlg their works, and will difcover tbe ungrounded hopes of ot~rs bY their works alfo; for gre(lt ~ndfmali ~re alljudged accordtng to that rule : And not onlyhereafter, alfo doth ~d judg according ro works; that is, lookupon them as tefiimo- · mes ~nd declarations of faith: Naw Jk.pow th11t thou (tareft G1d; . that 15~ AOW I ha.vean experience; upon which experience Ahra- · -"•, was:jull~~~dj~ ~~~~ !~~w~~~ ! ~~eive ';£; 1