Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

1.8 . ' An Expofltion,With Notes deth toapprobation : But here arifeth a doubt , becaufe of tae fee-· ming contraditl:ion between 'J>aul and James, Paul faith; Rom~ 5. 4· Th~tt pt~ttience J'oup.nv trya! or experiem;e; ami [am,;s feemeth to inveFt the order, faying, that J'o~Lip.tov . trya! dr experience wor/zetla patimce. B,u~'_l AaJ?ver, I. T~ere is adiffe– rence between the w(l)rds, ~llere CIS.J'oll.lp.ll , here,. J', and fo fitly renJred chere, experient_e; here, tryal. 2. There .Paul"fpea– keth of the eff-ecfr of fuffcring:, ex.p~rirnc'e of qods help an<! the ' -comforrs of his_Spirit, whi'ch workpati·ence; here, oft.he fuffering it felf, which from irs·nfe and ordination to bele€vers, he calleth trya!, becaufe by it our faith and other graces are approved and tryed. [Of1dtUr faith] rhat is , either of your confiancie in the profeffion of the Faith, or elfe of faith .. the grttce ,~- which is the ~hief thing exercifed and ~pp:roved in :d~i6lion. · ···· "' · Work.ft'h patience.] The originall word is 1Lrt.1eryi~£1eu perfect» eth patience: But this is anew Paradox ,.how-affliction or tryal , which is the caufe of all murmuri»gor impatience , fimuld work p.uience ! · t· . 1. •• , I anfw~r, ~. Som~ expound the ~rol?oG.tio~. o~ _a 1f~tu_ral pati– ence, which, mdeed, IS caufed by the r1leer affitd:ton; when we are ufed to them, they are the-lefs grievous : paffions being blunted by continual exercife, grief becometh adelight. But I fuppofe, this is not in the aim of the ApoHie ; rtbis i~ a..ftupidity no.t a patience. 1-d. Then, I fuppofe the me:tning is, thathlr trials minifier .matter and occaGonfor patience. 3• Gc:Jds bleffing nmfi: not be exclu.*· ded, r:be work of the rfficient isoften g1~en to the material Caufe, ~nd trial i;s fa id eo do rhat which Go3 Q;€lth; by trial he fantl:ifi– eth affiiA:ions to us, and then they are a means tobeget patience. * E • l' 4· We mufl not forget the difiind:ion betw€ernpunifoment and um nu .ll . l t.. ~ c. . f 'll . d r. • d . b If advufi~ aJ der n ~a : t'':C Itutr o ptml 1rnent. IS · t1pa-m an m~rmnrmg; ut 0.• j ic.r ,qlfem nuf.. mall, pattence and [weec- fubn1:1ffion. To .the, Wicked every cond.t:.: · la pr~(P~ri'tts tion is a fnare, they are "' corrupted by profperity., and dejefted ~;~m~~~r. by a~Nerfi.ty : ~u~ to the ~o.d!y ever~ efiatte is ableil~ng ·; ·their p1·o.._ Jgnisg 11011 (fl fPer.tV worketh t./hanlugzvmg; thetr a~7:1trJi.tJ; plflttenr;e. Pharoah diver[ 1(.5 & di- and !oram grew the more mad vor ~fue1r affhcbons ; butt the pe0ple vafa .ngi~ ; pa· of God'the more patient : The fame fure that purgenh the Corn lrt~m. m cmem bmifetluhe fialk ()J: reecl, amd i11 ttfua.t tire im which the chaff€ is vert1t auru fai.. 1.. 1·.1 fi 1.1,. h So b f L p·r-.1 ·n. ,r:_ l ~ ' de$ to!lit A a t:Jurnt, go u part\ .,. t: •.. true IS! t at 0 tne ta nun, .P; ~ .. H •). in Pfal. '3 1 ,u 0 • The Lord tryeth the rigMeou& : But the 'Wic_~ed.,and him thttt lo- . veth.