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2 g VEttS.4· AnExpo{ition, withNotes CHA:p.•I~ in the beginning. Common principles may make men blaze and glare for a while, yet afterward they fall from Heaven like light– ning. 'Tis true of all Graces, but chiefly of the Grace in the Text : Patience mufi lafi to the end of theprovidence, as long as the ~tf·. jli[fton lafleth ; not onely at firfi, but when your evils are doubled, . and the furnace u heatedfcven times hotter. Common ftubborn– nefs will bear the firfi o--:-.fet; but patience holdeth out, when troubles are continued and delayed. The Apofile chideth the Gal~t:. * N n ·ucrpiffe tians, becaufe their firfi heat was foon fpent; Gal. 3,. 3. Areye fo Jetl ;:r{ecijfe foolifo? ha.ving begun in the Sp~rit, are ye mad~ perjeff i~ ~he 'llirtutis efi , flefh ? * 'Tts not enough to begm; Our proceedmgs m Reltgton frar. mufi .be anfwerable to our beginnings: To faulter and fiagger af– z*n Tewn8 fth. 8 • ter much* forwardnefs,fheweth we are not fit ~'or the K in11dom of.' u~ee~u- . J' 6 1 dere oneri & God, Lu~ 9· 62. The beafis mthe Prophet always "J719ent forWard; lueJari cu~ of See E~ek.:. r. u. And Crabs, that go b~ck"Ward, are reckoneda. fhto~u~dji:md mobg unclean creatures, Levit. II. 10. Neroes firfi five years ;;:%f.:i~no; eft ar~ fall_lous ; A~d many fet forth well, but ar~ foon difc~mraged. ftmmus qui Ltbenm, the B1fhop of Rome, was zealou3 agamfr the Arums, and laborem fiJgit , was looked upon as the Samp{onof the Church, the mofi earnefi ne( cref,it ilti Maintainer of Or:hodoxifm, fuffered banifhment for the Truth ; auimus _ipfa but,alafs,he after failed,and to recover his Bilhoprick (faith*Bar(J• ~ert14 msdttftcul nim) fide-cl with the v1"ria1rs. Well then, While you are in the a e. enec. Id c ..a.d·r f · d c 11:.. " Baronius ad wor , go on to amore perreu 11covery o patience, an iouuw annum cbri(li, them that thrMgh faith, and acominued patience, have inherited 3.57· the promifes, Heb. 6. 12. Obfer~at. 3. 3. That Chrifl:ians m~fl aim at, and prefs on to perfection ; the Apoille faith, That ye ma_r be perfea,a;~cJ entire, nothinJ wanting. I. Chrifiians will be coveting and afpiring to abfolute perfeClion. · We are led on togroWthby this aim anddeftre :- They hate fin [o . perfectly, that they cannqt be qniet, till it be utterly abolifhed: Fir'fr they go to God for Iuftijication, ne damnet, that thedamning po'Wer of fin may be taken away • Then for SanCfi(icati– on, ne rcgnet, that the reigning power of fin may be deflroyed: Then for Glorifi~ation, ne fit, that the very 'Being of 1t may be abolit:hed. And as they are bent againfi fin,,withamortal and keen hatred; fo they are carryed on with an earnefl: and importunatede- . fire of Grace : They that have true Gr.ace, will not be contented with alittlegrace: No meafures will ferve their turn.lwould by arJ] means attain to the refurre[fton of the dead,_(aith Paul 1 Phi/.3. It. - · that