Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

V11u.x6. An Expo/ition, withNot11 might not be reprefented as an ulcerom filthy body; and the Church not be thought a receptacle of fin, but a School of Holi– nefs: and therefore, as Paul finked off the Viper, fo thefe were to be call our, and not received again, but upon folemn acknow– ledgment. So Paul urgeth 1 Cor. 5. 6. A little leaven leaven– eth the Whole lump: and Heb. 11. I 5. Left mlln) be defilrd,&c. In which phces he cloth not mean fo much the contagion of their ill example, as the taint ofreproach~ and the. guilt 6f the outward fc~~.tzdal, by W'hich the Houre and Body of Chrifi was made in– famous. ~. Private Con{tjfi(m to men ; and fo, J. To a »·ronged neigh– bar, which is called fl turning to him again after offence .given, Lu~ 17. 4· and prefcribed by our Saviour, Matt. 5· 14. !.-rave thy gift before the Altar, and be firJ1 recrmciled to thy Brother. God will accept no fervice or worfhip at our hands, till we have confe!Ted the wrong done to others: So here, Confefs 7our faults cm to another, it may be referred to mjuries: in contentions there are offences on both fides, and every one will fiiffiy defend his own caufe,&c. 2. To thofc to Whom \\'e have con{tnttd in fl1ming, a.s in Adultery, Theft, &c. we mufi confefs and pray for each other: Dives in Hell would not have his Brethren come to that place of torment, Lu~ 16. 2 8. 'Iis but an~cdhrycharity to invitl! them that have fhared with us in fin to afellowfhtp in repentance. 3. To a godly Minifler, or wife Chrifiian, urrder deep wounds ofConfci– ence : Tis but tally to hide our fares till they be incurable ;: whm wehave di~burthened our felves into the bofomof a godly friend, Confcience hndech agreat deal of eafe: Certainly they are then more capable to give us advice, and can the better apply the help of their counfel and prayers to our plrticlllar cafe, and are thereby moved to the more pity and commi.feration; as Beggars,to move the more,will not onely reprefent their general want, but uncover their Cores. Verily 'cis afJult in Chrillians not to difclofe themfdves, and be more open with their fpirirual friends, when they are not able to extricate themfdvesouc of t.heir doubts and troubles. You _may do it to any godly Chriftians,but efpecially to Minifiers,who are folemn– ly emrufted with the power ot the Keys, andmay hdpyou to apply the comforts of the Word,when you canr.iot your felves. 4·. When . in fome j]Jecial cafes Gods gi'Jr) u concerned; as when {ome emi– nent Judgment feizeth upon us becaufe of atoregoing provocation,. · whkh .