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CKAP.5· ttpon the Epi.ftle ef J A M • s. Vaa-s.16. which provocation is fufficiently evidenced to us in gripes of Con– fcience, 'ds good to make it known for Gods glory : Thus David, when fiang in Confcicnce, and [mitten with a fuddt:n convitl:ion, faid, zSam. 1 1. 13. I confefJ I have finned. So when Achan was marked by lot, J o(hua advifeth him, 'jofh. 7· 19. My fon,{on– fefs and give glory to Ged. So when divine revenge purfueth us till we are brought to fome fearful end and ptmifhmem,_>cis good to be ·open in acknowledgmg our fin, that Gods Juftice may be the more vifibly cleared ; for hereby God receiveth a great deal ofglory, and men awonderful confirmation and experience of the care and jufiice of Providence. , eAndpray.for tme a'nother,J From thence note, That 'tu· the aut) of Chrifli11ns to relieve one anothu by their p.,.ayers: You lhall fee John, in the clofe of his Epifile, giveth the fame charge, 1 Job. 5. I 6. If any m.ln fee hi& Brother fin afin Which i4 not unto death, he fhaO .u~, and he {hd!l give him life for him that jinneth not unto death; that is, God fiull pardon him, and by that means free him from c:verlafiing death: B~caufe Particulars affeCt us more then general Con!iderations, let me tell you, I. You mull pray for the whole community of Saints, every Member of Chrifis Bildy; not ondy our famili1rs, but thofe with whom we are not acqUlint– ed: So Eph. 6. 18. Mak..e fuppl~c~ttion for all Sllints; thts is in– deed the Chu.,.ches Trell/ury, the common frock of fupplications: Paul pniyeth for them that had never feen hu face, Colof. 2. 1, 2. God k._noweth Wh;~.t confliR 1have for you, and for many have not j un my face in the Jlefo. AChrifl:ian is a rich Merch:mt, who hath his FaCtors in div~rs Countries;fome in all phces of the world, that deal for him at the Throne of Grace; and by this means the Members of Chrifis Body have a communion one with another, thoughat adifiance. 2, • I'is our duty to pray for thofe efpecially, to whom we are more neerly related; as ·Paul, Rom. 9· ~· for hu own Gountrymm : So for our kindred, that they may be converted, and be to us, as Onejimm toPhil~mrm, dear in 1he flejh, 4nd in the Lord; Phi/cm. 16. So for the fame particular Society and · A{kmh>ly of the taichful, in which we are engaged : So the Minifier for his pwple, and the peopk onefor another; Eph. 3· u . For thu caujf: 1bow my k.._nees, &c. Certainly we do not improve this interdt fo much as we fhould do. 3• More efpecially yet for Ma- · giftrates and Officers Bj the Church: for M1gifl:rat~s, 1 Tim.z.. I ;z. ' Gggg 3- . t~~, 597