V&RS.I6. An E~po.fition, With Notes for all in authority, &c. this is the bell: tribute you can pay them-: So for Miniflers, the weightinefs of their employment calleth for this help from you ; in praying for them, ·you pray for your felves. If the Cow hath a full dug, ~cis the benefic of. the Owner. With what paffipnatenefs cloth the Apofile Paul call for the prayers of the people? Rom. I 5. 30. For the Lord Chr"iftsfak..e, for the lo11e of the Spirit, ftri've together \'Vith me inyour pra_]ers. OhJ do not let us fl:and alone, and fl:rive alone ; Y.t {oli : fingle prayers are like the fingle hairs of Samfon; but the prayers of the Congregation like the whole bufu: Therefore you fbould, in Ttrtfl.·llians phrafe, quafi manufaCia, with an holy confpiracy, befiege Heaven, and torce out a bleffing for your Pafl:ors. 4· The weak mull: pray for the flrong, and the il:rong for the weak; there is none but fuould improve his Inrereft :' When there is much work to do, you give your children their parts; as thofe bufie Idolaters, jer. 7• 18. The childrengather Wood, the fathers k._indle the fire, and the Women knead the dough,&c. all b~re apart in the fervice. So in the family of Chriit, none can be exempted ; The headcannotf-ey to the feet, 1 have no need of you, &c. I Cor. I 2. 2 I, 22. God delighteth to oblige us to each other in the Body of Chrifi ; and therefor~ will not blefs you without the mutual mediation and imercefsiori of one: anochers prayers; for this is the true intercejfion of Saints: and fo, in a fence, che living Saints may be called MediatrJrs of lntcr– eejfion. But chiefly the fl:rong, and thofe that fl:and, are to pray for them that are fallen ; for that's the intent of this place. 0 chen that we would regard this negleCted duty : not to pray for others, is uncharitablenefs; not eo e:xpea it from others, ispride: do not fiand alone; two, yea many, llre better then one: joynt !hiving mutually for the good of each other maketh the work profper: efpedally :Brcthrmpray for m, for us in the Minifiry; our labours are great, our corrrptions a.re firong, our temptationsand fnares are many, pocrlbly the more for your fak<ls ; that our hearts may be in– tendred tQ you, anG the fitter to apply reproof, comfort and coun– fd to your Souls: 0 pray, chat we may have wifdom and faithful– nef~, and fpeak the Word of the Lord boldly. So alfo pray for one another ~ fame are in better temper to pray for other~; then they for chemfelves; or it may be your prayers may be .more acceptable. Jobs friends were good men,yet(as we noted before)the Lord fa~th, 1 'Will not hearyou, myforvant [ob jha!i pray foryou, JfJb 42. 8. That