6oo V1as.t6. AnExpo.fitiQn,withNotn CHA'P.5• Sool are worfi : Bodily difeafcs tend only to the death of the body, but thefe to the eternal ceath of body and Soul. Other difeafes are but confequems of fin; ·cis fin that is the firength of difeafes, the fimgofdeath, and the caufe of eternal horror and torment. Ob run to Chrifi then, he is the great Fhyfician ofSouls; his skill to cure you coil: himdear; hJ hu ftripes \\?tare healed~ For the ejfeaual jtrvent prayer of a righteous man ~vaileth much.] This is added by way of encour:;gemmt: In this fentence there are three things. r. The qualification of the prayer, fervent tjfeClu.tl. 2. The qualification ot the perfon, Qf arighte.ous perfon. 3. The tffdl: of the whole, avPrileth much. Fi I ~ , For the qualificatton ot the DJty, J~uH ~~f)'~tpMn • Th:! W9fd n the Or\ginal is fo fublime and emphar cal, that Tranfh– fons qnnot reach the heighth of it: le bath· been divedly tender~J. The Vulgar,ajfidua prcc~t'io, dayly pra1er; bllt with– out any reaforl. Btz:.a, oratio ejficPx, rffitlual pr4yer; but \is not c..v~f)'~~, but ~~f)'~t~l! ; and befides, this rendering wodd im~ o{e aT.cutology upon the fentence,tfteetual prarer is effeCtu– al. Others render it, 'Wrought i1J u1 by the ~oly Spirit ; as they that were pc (Idfed with an ev;l fpiric, were called ~Ef)'~f4;ol. Our Tran(hrms, becaufe they know not what fie expt etfion to ufe,t~anfLtre it by 'rwo words, fervelft,ef{t8u,d: The phrafe pro– perly !lgn1fierha prayer 'Wrought and excited; and fo implyerh both the efficacy and influence of the Holy Gho!l, and the force and vehemeflcy of an,earndl fpirit and affection. The word will yeeld us two Nores. Obfervat. I. J.• That a true prayer mufl be ttn earmfl ferver.t prayer. The h To thi~ So· ancient toktn of acceptance. was firing che facrifice : ~uccefs lo~on al~udcth may be much known by the r.eat and warmth cf our fpi: irs. fai:: ~r~Jo u Prayer w:;.s figured by 'Wreft!ing;; compare Ge11. J l. 2.6. with , tbi4 that rocth Hof. I 2. 4cerrainly thaL~S the way of rrevailmg ; So ~cis re– in pillars-of fern bled to his imn~oJeHy that would take no denyal, Luk.: 11. 8, f11'J.oa'f,per~or.:d what we tranfiare importunity, is in the Original d.v«-tJ'~dl, impu· wzti~~·Jir~ e; dmce : • [is [aid, AEl. 26.27. That the Tribes forved God inftant• ~:c.~.'t ~i1 e ly ; C-v ~1•vE4~; the word !lgnifieth to t~e utmoll: of theirfirengtb. exprcfiiun Undc:r the Law h the fweet perfumes m the Cenfers were burnt manifdlly 1e· before they afcended. Oh look to your affections, get them, l.ateth to the fired by the Holy Ghofr, that they may flame up towards CSod fmoak that 0 d d 1. 0 r. •r h {i 1 k f d went up out of m evout an ~e tgtous a1cencs :_ .J ts t e u ua to en or goo , ' the Cenfers. ~hat