up9n the Epiftlerf ]AME s. yn R S .I6. thac ,you fhall prevail with Lod as Princes. Luther bid, Vti– nam etJaem ardore orare poffem, Would to God I could alwa1r praJ with a like ,rdofilr, for then I haJ always tl;u Anfwer, fiat quod velis,Be it u11to thee tU thou 'Wilt. Oh be earnell and fervent t.hen, thcugh you cannot be eloquent: There is language in groans; and fighs art: a.rtictalate: The child is earndl for the Dug, when it cannot fpeak for ir. Only bewa re that your earndlnefs doth not arife from fldhly lwfrs and concernments : The facri.fices and perfumes were not to be burned with flrange firr. When your Cenfers are fired, let not the Coal be taken from the Kitchin,but I he Altar: God bath undertaken to fatisfie fPiritufll dejiro, but 6or not flt./hf] lufh. , 2.. F1om the word- you may obfeive That inprayer we mnft 06[trvAt.2~. Hfe much diligence to 'Work_our hcar'ts to the duty: So the word fignifiech, a prayer wrought and drivt n with much force and ve. hernency. · •fis faid of the Apoftles, AEf. J. 14. They continued in prayer and(upplict~ti8n: In tht Original, ila-dJI '7re9a'"d.f1if~V1H, the phrafe figmfier h fuch aper feverance as is kept up with much hbour and torce: •fis no caGe thing to pt ay and ro worka lazy dead heat r into a necdla' y hei~ hth of afreClion~. The weighcs are always running downward, but they are wound up by force: Pjttf.l)· 1. I lift mJ hrart to thee. When our affeRions are got• ten up, •lis hard to keep them up; like Mo(es his hands, they fuon flag and wax faint. A Bird cannot Hay m the ayr. without acontinual flight and motion ofche wings ; neithei can we p~rfill in prayer, without confhntwork and labour: our faith is fo weak, that we rte hardl) brought into Gods prefence; and our love is fo fmall, that we are hlrdly kept there: Aff~Clions flag, and then our thoughts are fcattered : Wearinefs. maktth \l1ay for w4ndering; fir/1 our hearts areg,one,and then our minds: So that we have need ofmuch labour and diligence ; all acts of dutf ate drawn from us by an holy force. - Secondly, The qualification of the perfon, of a righteous perfon i · that is, notabfolutely, as appeareth byElitU, the inllance brought, who is faid to be a manfubjeCl to lik..e pa/]ions With us ; therefore •cis meant of a man righteous ·in Chrifr, jufiified by faith. Note hence, Th~tt in prayer we fhould not onlJ look.: itfter t.he qu~Zlijica• 0/Jflrvat tion ofthedut}, but oft he perfon. God fidl: accepteth the perfon, • and then theduty ; So the Apofile proveth the acceptance of ~- Hhhh bets