Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

602 . V! R:S.t6. An Expojition. "With Notes bets pafon,by Go.ds teftimony to his gifcs,Heb.I I ·4· and the place to which he alluderh, Gcn.4. 4· plainly thewech that Gods firft re·_ fpetl was to Abel,aod then to his offering. I have read of a Jewel, that being put into a dead mans mouth, lofeth all its vercue: Prayer is fuch a J eweI in a dead mans mouth, •cis of no force and efficacy : 27. The pr~tyer of aWick._ed manu ana6omituetion,much more When he offe~'eth it With an evil mind. At the beft: 'cis naught, ifmade with a devout aim; but where there is a conjuntl:ion ofan evil per{on and an evil aim, the Lord abhorreth it. Balaam came with feven Rams, and [even Altars, and all would noc do : They urge it as aProverb and known Principle, (oh.9. 31. The Lord Wilt not hear fonn ers. Well then, when you come to pray, look ro ~he intcrdt of your perfons: I. Ocherwife you will be in danger ofa legal fpirir, to hope to grarifie God by your pnyers and good mean– ings : There is not a furer flgn ot refring in dum:s, t h~-·n when you look altogether to the qu1licy of the ducy, and noc t:0 thequalityof the perfon ; as if the perfon were eo be :accepted tor the works fake, and not the work for the perfon : This plainly revolveth you eo the tenor of the Old Covemnt, and maketh works the ground of your acceptance with God. 2. You will be in danger of rdufal ; God w~ll have nothing eo do with the wicked: {ob 8.20. He 'Will not tak..e jinners by the hand; fo the Original and M:~rgin: And God Will ask what you have to do with him, What haft thou to do ? &c. P[al. 5o. Look to your interefi in Chrifi ; all hangeth upon that. · . Thirdly, The effect ofthe duty [av.1ileth much.] He doth not tell you how much ; you will and that upon try!li and experience : Ob/erfhtt. Obferve, Th;~,t prayers rightly managedcailnot Want effect. This is the means which God bath confecrared for receiving the higheU . . bld.ftngs. Prayer is the Key by which rhofe mighty Ones of God 1 Aufimupon could lock Heaven,and open it at their plc:afore: Among the <~races, _ t~a~ ~act faith excelletb,andprayer among the duties; thefe are moft excel– ~:71~e ~:~~:'lent, becaufe mail: uftful to our preftnt fiate. 'Tis wonderful eo unetfe ? Let confider wha-t the Scripture afcnbech tofaith and prayer; prayer me alone. fuech out bldftngs in the Court ofGrace, and faith receiveth them. Lc;dt·b: hol:· 'Twere tafie- to t:x{'atiare in this Argument; but becaufe this is the ~~n 1 ,:; • (t;t,.~ ufual Subjcc~ of_mofi pratl:ical Di!Courfes, I forbear. God himfdf 111td rtftrai; 1 ts Cpl:tketh 1 as •f has hands were eyed up by prayer, Exod.3 z, 1 o. Let Hpvn OtM:ipu- mr tilrmr)&c.Nay he indenteth wicb Mofos)and offtreth him com– u,;cy ?&c. pofitiO~