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upon the EplfUeof J A M I s. pofition ifhe would hold his peace, 1 wtlimak§ofthet' a grt'at pt'o.. ple,&c. So that other expreffion, if we read it right, Concerning my jons .mddaughte~s com?_"andyeme,&c• . Thefe are exprefsions whtch are to be admtred Wtth an hof.J reverence ; not flnined, Jell: our thought~ degenerate into ar:udc6/afJhemy: Certainly they are mighty Condefcencions, wherein the Lord would fignifie to us the fn~it and efficacy of prayer, as he is pleafed to accept it in Chrift. Well then, pray with this encouragement, Godhathfaid in an open place, that is, folemnly avowed before all the world, that none jhalt face i1: vain, ·Jjai.48.19. Verfe 17. Elia-s Wtu a man fubjcCl to lik.e paffions tU We llre, andhe prayed tarnejlly thtilt it might not rain; and .it r~tf,.nednot on the Earth by the[pace of threeyears findfix moncth'l. He proveth the general Propofition by a particular Infl:ance, the Example of Elia-s. Before we come to examine the words, I (hall difcufs a Doubt. How could he infer a general Rule out of one fingle Infiance? efpecially from a man whofe life was full ofprodigy and W<?nder? I anfwer, t. In a cafe neceffary one InH:ance is enough, proof~ in fuch a cafe being c.u. ·del~;, over and above mea– fure,and for illuflration rather then et~'~ftrmation. z; Though the Jnfiance be.particular, ye~ the precept of praying, and the promife of being heard in prayer, are both Univerfal, 3· His drift is to lhew, t,hat ifbe obtained fo much, our prayers tball not altogether be in vain ; there may be lef's ofmiracle in our Anfwer, but there will be tU muchofgrace. 4• For the fpecial dignity of the perfon, the Apofile himfdf antidpateth that ObjeClion; op.oto'il"a.a~~, of likf paffions With m,is here put by way of preven~ion ~They m1ght plead,Elia-s was aGngular Infiance,who can expe<-1: hisexp~rienc~s? The Apofile anticipateth this donbr, by acquainting them that he was fubjeC\: to like infirmities, wherewith otht:r men are furprizt:d. I come now to the words. Elia-s] An eminent Prophet,and ofwhom fingular things are re· lated in Scripture ~He raifed the widows fon, 1 Kin,~. 7·21. obtain· ed fire from Heaven againfi the Priefis of Baal, 1 King. t8 . 1 8~ He was fed by Ravens, I J( ing. 17. went for ty days and forty ntghts in the firength ofone meal, 1 King. 19.8. brought fire from Heaven Hhhh 1 on