VERS.17. Anexpojiti6~t, 'WithN~tes CHAP.) ' ------ ' . on the Captains of two fifcies and their companies, I K i~tg. 1. 1 ~-pa!fed over dry-foot,2 IGng.1.3. He was fnatched into Hea– ven in a fiery Chariot, ~ King. 2. I 1. He vifibly app::ared in the Transfiguration ofChrifi, M at. 17. 3· The Papifis feign, that ne fuaU come corporally into the world before the day ofJudgment :– And here our Apofile infianceth in another Mirarle~ Heaven it felf feemed to be fubjer\: to his prayers, and to be lbut and opened at bispl~afure. . Wa~ Aman fubjefl to likf paffions M We Are,] Some apply this to outward fufferings and affiiCl:ions, fame to weakne!fes of body, and the inconveniencies of the prefent life; fome to inward paffions and penurbations of the mind, fome to moral infirmities and fins ; all may be intended. The fame word is ufed A a. 1 4· 1 5. when they would have (acrificed toPaul and Barnaba~, We are, fay they, ip.o107ra.9i1;, of likJ pajfions withpur [elves; ~cis put there for what ever differenceeh man horn the divine nature :. as 'Peter in the like cafe faith,Alls I 0.26. I am alfo a mlt1J,&c. Thus the Scripture lheweth that Elia~ was hungry, I King. 17.1 1 • . that he feared death,and therefore fled from '}e.z:.tlbel, I King. T 9. 3. and requdl:ed to dye in a pet and difcontent, 1 JGng.I9-4· All kind of infirmities incident to man are afcribed eo him. And he prv~yed earneHIJJ 'ire9a-gvxil "'eJ~nvx_a.lo, he prayed in prayer ; a known Htbraifm ~ Verb.tlia. addttA verbu is a kind of ClinfiruttiCi>n among the Hebrews, which implyeth vehemency, and that earndl' cqmention of fpirit, ~hich fuould be in prayer ~ #fis aliJ explication of ,NnaH &.v~ry~p.9,<:n, . ufed by the Apofile in the for– JBer Verfe. So ChriH faith, Lu~ ll. Withdefire have I defired; that is, vehemently :md earndUy ; 'cis a like Hebraifm. But be~ c:attfe among the Hebrews.,I have have obfcrved that there is always a.conveniency between Ehe forms of txprejfion, and the things ex– puffed, therefore Aquin.u his Note is not altogether amifs, Cordu & oris orationem notat; it may note the agreement between tongue and heart ; the heart prayed, and tongue prayed. This claufe noteth the caufe why E/ia&was heard.; he prayed with ear• nefinefs and faith according to the Will ofGod revealed to him. · That it mi,ght not rain:. J. There is no fuch the Htfiory, whichyou~ have atlarge 1 Kmg. the 1 7· and 18. Chapters, where there is not a wordQf his praymg that it might not rain ; the Scrip– ture theweth.)..thac he only fore-told.. a d(ought :. But 'ds more then probable