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prob-able, that the worLhip of Baal being every where rcceived,did extort from this good man, fo full of zeal for God, a prayer for drowth as apunilhmentJ by which the people being corrected, be prayed again for rain : Certainly the Apofile having recorded the ftory, we cannot doubt of the truth of ir. ~ris ufu1l in Scripture in one place to give as the fubftance of an Hifiory, in another the circumJ&ances of it; as that of'Jannes and fllmbrn, 2 Tim. 3• S. SoP{a/.to5.18. weread thatJo[ephs Jut wcrehurtln f etters, and that he was layd in Iron; there is no fuch thing recorded in.Ge– ntfis: So Heb.u.u. So terrible \\?.u the fight, that Mofosfoid,l txcudinglJ feAr and quake, which is no where recorded in the PentAteuch. eAnd it rained not by the[pace of threeyears a1:d fix moneths.J The fame term oftime is fpecified Lu~. 4• ~;. Many Widows Were in Ifrael in the dA]J cfEliM, When the Hea11en1 Were fout three 605 (lnd fix moneths, &c. But you will fay, .How is this true? how three years and an half,' when ~cis exprdly. faid, 1 Kings 18.1 • .Ana it came to pafs after man] days, that the Word Cif the Lord came to Elijah in the thirdyear,faJing, Go foew thy[elf toAhab~ and I 'Will fend rain upon the Earth? To anfwer this fcruple, Grotius faith, That the Word ·of the Lord came to him about the end of the thirdyear to be executed half an year afcer; but this is is not fo probable: others fay otherwife. The befi Anfwer I con– ceive is that propofed by e.Abulmjis' and fince embraet:d and im– proved by JHnius, and other Divines of g-reat note : They anfwer, That the thirdyear fpoken ofin that place, is to be reckoned from his dwelling a·t s~repta; fo that the time of his abode aboutthe BrookCherith ,is not computed, where he was one whole year fed by Ravens: For ~cis, 1 King. I 7.8. Andafto.r awhile he de– parted to S1repta; in the Margin,.# the end 1J dfi).t ;·,that is, at the fnd of the number of days which make an year: So !uniHs rendereth 11nno exatlo. The fa~e phrafe is ufed Gen . 4• 3I. in procifs tJj . . time,&c. in the Matgin, "at the enJ ofdays; for at theyears end. k _Mt{tt'lh )J.~ Well then, after this year is elapfed, from thence (orward we muft,mzm. · begm tht: computation, which may be well inferred from I King1 . 17.14;- where e/ijthbeing at Sttrept.a, 'cisfaid, The Lordcame to him,llndfaid, The b(!f,rre/ ofmeal foal/ not Wa{ft,nflr the crufe ofoyl fail, until the daJ that the Lord fendeth r~rin: Now about the . mi~dle of the third ye~r. from that timt! the Lord appeatc:~ to hima... g~m. H~hh .. 3 .· rhe~