606 4n .Expojition, "With N otu The Nores are thtfe : - ob[erv 11 t. r. t. That Gods emimnt children are me'ltl oflik_t paffions with m fe~ I Pet.) .9. the[lfme things are acc9mplifo(d in Jour ]jrethrm tha't 1Fe in the jlefh; they are all troubled With anaught) heart, a bu{ie Dev.ill, and a. corrupt world: Vve are all· cainre~in our originals, and mfeCl:ed w1r.h A dams leprofie,"' all blood u4 acoltJHr: ma– ny times there are notorious blemifhes in the lives ofthe Saints, they are of the fame nature with others,and have not wholly deve– Hed and put off the imerell:s and concernmems offi {bandMood· "Om?iis fw· t,uu nm ofor, Petrarcha. Mofes f}ak! unadvifedly 'With his lips, and David turned afide t~ Adultery; he rendreth the reafon, P[a/.5 x. 5. he had a common oo– mre wnh other men; fo often divers of Gods dear children have foul falls ; confiancy and continuance in fin would deny them S.1in:.r, and an uninterrupted continuance in holinefs would de~ ny them !vien ; well thtn , Gods children that travail under the burden ofinfirmities m1y take comfott;fuch confliCts are not incon– till:ent with faith and piety : othe.:r bdievers are thus exercifed,ndne ever went to heaven but there was fome work for his Faith and patience, Heb.6.I ~. when we partake of the divine nature, we do not put off the humane , we ought to walk withcare, but yet with comfort. · . _ Obfon;at, 2,, 2· 'TU no injHY) to the moft.ho/y per{01u, to fool upfm .them 1U men lik.! our ]elves; there is adouble fault; fome Canoni~e the .fer– vams ofGod, not confidering them in their infirmities, make them halfGods , who were by priviledg exempted from the ordinary fiate ofmen, and fo lofe the benefit of their example, whereas in the word they are fee out as fo many prefidents; thy prayers may be heard as well as thofe of E li.u; thy fins may be pardoned as well as Pattls .1 Tim. I .I 7· God will firengcheo and coorirm necelfary gra– ces in thee as well asDavid,Zech.I2.8.others rtfleCl: only upon their infirmities, and in fl:ead of making themprejidents of mercy, make them Patrons offin. Thus every bafe fpirit will plead Lots ince/f, D~evidr adulter;], Noahs dr-unk§nnef; in Sfllvians time they plea– ded, Si David, C[1.r-mn & ego ? p Noah, cur non & ego? Follow them in their graces, ·as 'you follow them in their fins : they were mei~ oflike p:~ffions, but they were alfo holy men . James here doth not only rtcite E ltjahs weil~ntj[es, but hisgraces. Obfcrvat. 3• 3· That in thelives ofGods cho;fejl [ervants there wao [6me conjider~ble we~tk.!zefs; Eli.u in the mid!l ofh_ismiracles, was en- - combrc:d