upon the Epiflle of J A .M 1 s. VIRS.I6. combred with many affiiCl:ions; Paul had abundavce of revelati– e.ns, but a thorn in the fiefb: In the life ofJefu~ Chrill: himfelf there 'Yas an intermixture <>r p~wer andweak..,nefs;of the: divinegloryand humane fradty; at hrs bmh ~ a Star lhone, but he was layed in.a ma'Yiger; afterwards the Devil, temptedhim in the wildernefs, but there Angels mi;Ji{/red to h.im: as man he was deceived in the fig– ttee, but as God, he blafled tt: he was caught by the foldiers in the garden, but fi rfi he made rhemfall b.rck... So ~tis notabl~ that the fame Difcipl ·s that were ~o~fcious to his g{ory in the Mount, are afcerwards :called to be wtmdfts of hiS Agonies in theg~trden; Compare Mat .17.l. with .rt.1at,z6.n. Aud all thistolhew, that in the higheft dij]Jt n{ations Godwill k$epm humble, and in rhe low– eH provJ4tnces there u enough to Jupport m. , 4• ~race 1s not impaj]iblc,or without pafsi9ns andajfeElions. The Ohfervat 4 Stotcks hdd 'no man agoodmanbut he that had loH all natural feel- ' • ing and aff:C1ion; El1jah was aman of !tk_e p.{mns , Grace cloth nor abrogate our affecbons but prefer them ; it rranfplanteth them out ofEgypt, that they maygrow in CPZnaan; it doth not deftroJ nature buc dtre/1 it. , . 5.11/t that_God wrought by andfor_ hi! eminent{e~v~nts,w,u wi~h obferv~tt. 5 • refpe/1 to bt& oWngrace, not to the~r wor~h anddigntiJ; God dtd much for ELijah,buc he was aman oflik§pafsiom with m; though his pray~rs were eff~Clual, yet he was as every believe~ is, indt:bted togr-ace; when we have received an high affiil:ance , yet frill we are u»prefitable .ferrval'l:ts, Luc I 7. I o. when we refled: upon the common frailty, wemay fay fo in-~< 'Jvords oftruth,as weli as in words* oJ Td.7fE-J-. fJj' fo.briety ~nd humility; at firfi when God taketh us to mer~y, w_e 110 'fle9"Jvl' p,6... are hke other men: w,u not Efau !Mobs brother? Mal. I. 2. m thetr ., ,• ;u ' • JIOV tl.,,.,. " • perfons, and as they were men th·cre was no dtffcrence; *God could ' .. 11 • · 'J b b E' r: b h. {i ·r b 'J''f(~p.oerv' • Jovre noth1ng m 1 at(Jc a ?ve 'l ~~· ut IS ~wn!/··:cc ; ? 1 we e .._h r> fo ltom. preferred above other believers, cts our ofmeer grace ; tf from the i11 IMu•». . '{boulders upward, they be higher then other Saints, •ris the .Lords 10 Non afi~tl f 1l t:hotf'e, not their own worth; Elijah was like us, and elijahs Wid. l aco~dt,w:, '.1' · ·d L 'd ~ ,.am1 ttafJJ I!tZ~ dolVwas like other Wl dows, uc. 4• t) 1 26. there were m~tny W: - tericardiam. doWes in ·ljrael, but hew~{ent t~ mme fa.ve the Sarepta>1.. God Augu!t. hath mercy 0n whom he W1U have mercy; 1f thou dofi excell, wh,o hiit h made thee to d•Jfer? . . 6. Where the heart is 11pri(fht, o14r infirmities (hall not hinder Ob·r: t 6 • • .. b .,4 . r · ' d d ' 'Jerva . • our- pray en. EhJah w": ·am,m of it'<§ pa 1 Hons , yer rJe pra)t ,a~ ..tt r11mdnot ; uruta,tr.-ltis tatth and carnettncfs , and your mfirmme.s · · will