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.6o8 VE a s.t7• An Epo~tion, with Notu CHAp.~. wiU be no impediment. 2.·Chron. 30. I 9· the Lord pardoned them that had prep~tred their hMrts to feek. the Lord, t~ough they were not legally clean. Cnrill: whm he ·came into the gardens , faith he C would ., eat the honv with the honv comb,accept their duties,though • ant. s . J c. ./ not fevered from the wttxe , 1rom weaknefs and imperfeCl:ion, and drink._his wine mingledwith milk._; that is, allayed with a milder and lefs generous liqueur: under the Law the High-Prieft waJ to bear a\\1a] the iniql'lity of their hoiJ things, Exod. 28. 38. fo Je. fus Chrift doth away the weaknefs of our Cervices; Thofe that do not allow their infirmities , may prav with hope of fuccefs: God knowt!th the voyce of the fpirit ; our fle(bly defires meet withpar~ / don, and oar fpiritual withacceptance. ob[ervat. 7 7· From that[heprayed earneftlj, or pr11pd in prayer J This is • our duty, to in praJer. Not only to [a] a pra1er, but to p_ray apr~tyr. Rom.S. 26. We pray, and theJPirit ma~eth intercefsion for euwith jighs andgroans that cannot be uttered; that is,we pray, and the fpirit prayeth in our prayers ; when the tongue prayeth a- " .:?(11ii.P.& ar· lone, 'cis but an empty ring;* we often miO:ake lungs and fides for z:.'r~-: 1 r;~~~' t~, , grace, and theagitatton ofthe lhirits, for the imprefsigns of 11 pr,j ,o.•n (lU H I Gh fl k h f 1Jr · h d duntru ? Ter· the of) o ; many wor t em1e ves mto a gteat eat an ve. 1111 . acor.1t. hcrnency by the contention of fpeech, and that'saU; the voyce that DFr.. is heard on high, are the groans of the foul; well then,pray in prayer, make yoa all your prayers and [upplications in the fPi.rit, Eph.6.16. Let not the heart be wandring, while the lips are praying, lip .labour cloth no more then a breathing in11rument,makealoud noyfe; *the "' ' Avrl{JMtf effmce ofprayer lieth in the afcention of the mind• .rM viS 'i'l'e9~ S:Tis fcmetimes la'Wfuf to imprecate the vengeance gfGod upon 7~v -S-sov. the wiC'kfd. ElitUprayed that it might not rain, out of a zeal of DamaiC.en, Gods glory, and deteO:ation of theif Idolatry; I confefs here we lio. 3· o. thod. muO: be cautious;imprecations in Scripture were often uttered with ~'b'r. 8 a prophetick fpirit; and by fpecial impulfe and intimation from 'J trvat, • God. Elijahs Al1mufi not be intimated without Elijahs spirit andwarrant ; the Apofiles out ofa prepofterous imitation ot ano– thtr At\: ofEliM, caUed for fire from he.cvm, Lac. 9• whereupon , ChriLl: check€th them; 1 ek,poW )not of1f!hat [pirit ye:are of; there may be difiempered heats of revenge, IJ:range wild-fire that was never kindled upon Gods harth; to diretl you in this cafe of impre· . cation, I Lballlay down fame Propofitions. 1. There i& 11 grettt deal .of difference llcn~un publick._and privillte c(;{es.; in all privat~afes the glory of our Rdigion to b!tfs them th~t..f{lr(~ m, to .praJ . for