6Io VERS.I8. Anexpojitim, ~ithNotes CHAP.)• Obfervat, I o 1 o. LafliJ, obferve how fad it u for any to provo/es the Pro– phets ofthe Lord topray againff them;The grieving of Elijahs fpi– rit cofi Ifrael dear; there is much in their meffages, and there is as much in their folemn prayers; we may often obferve in the hifiory of the old Teflament , when God had amind to defiroy a people, he commanded his Prophets filem:e; if their filence be a fad omen, what are their imprecations: when Zechary his blood was lhed, he faid, the Lord requite it, which prayer coil: them the miferies of Baby/on, and his blood was not fully revenged till their utter ruine-; compare Mat.2.3. 15, 36. with 2 Chron.24. 11. Certainly though • there be little in fuch prayers as are buc the etfufions of revenge or difremperea heat,yet whtn by your fin and infolencie you give them caufe to pray againfi you • their complaints are the fad prefages of an enfuing judgment. · Verfe I 8. And he pr.J.yed again, and the heaven gave rain, and tl'e earth brought forth her fruit. · H(J prayed again J chat is, in another frrain, not by way of im– precation but jupplication, which lall: is recorded in the word. I Kings 18. 42.h~caP himfclfupo'J the earthandput hu f~tce .between his fz.nees, which was an action of mo!l bumble& fervent prai– er, by means whereof, God had determined to befiow a bleffing. And the Heaven gave rain J That is, the ayr and clouds, as .,hmct ~~v!$, the fowls of Heaven are by us tranOated the fo"'ls of the ~~tyr, Mat.6.l6. fo Deut.II. 17. ifthe Lords anger be kJnd– /ed againft them, he can jh;Jt up the HMvens thM therebe no r.>~in, th 1t is, the clouds. So in that Climax , Hofea 2. 2 I, 2 2. I Will he~r the Heavens. and they jhAII hear the earth, &c. the Heavens for clouds. And the earth broughtforth ber frr~it] all cau.fes depend upon one another, and the higheH on God; before this rain, ther..e was a great famin through the drout-h. From hence obferve th~fe points. Ob{ervat. I. J, Th""t when Godmeaneth to beftow MtJ]Jngs,. he ftirreth up th-e hearts of the people to pray for them. God that decreeth the end, decreech the means; E:<:.ech. 36. 37· I W.r.ll yet for this be en– quiredof b] the houfe ofIfrae/, to do it fr;r them; fa Jer. 29. f2 •. then i1nll ye call ltfHJn me, andye foal! go ~nd pr~tJ1mto me, and I Will ·