612 An Expojition, with Notes Obforvat, 5, 5· from that -[The Heavengave rain, t~~nd the Earth brought forth herfruit.] That there u a rntJtual dependance and juboydi,. nation between a!lfecond Caufes : The Creatures are ferviceable to · one another by mutual minifrries and fupplies ; the Earth is cherifh· edby the heat of the Scars, m_oyfl:ened by the water, .and by the temperament of both made fr~ttful; and fo fendeth forth innumer– able Plants for the comfort and ufe cf living Creatures, and living Creatures are for the fupply of M1n. 'Tis wonderful to confider the fubord inacion of all Caufes, a_,nd the proportion they bear to one another; The Heavens work up:m the Elements, the Elements upon the E1rth, and the Emh yeeldeth fruits for the ufe of man : . T he Propilet taketh notice of this admtrable gradation, Ho(ea z, 11 , 12. /Will hear the Heavens, 4nd the Hc.-~vens fh-all hear the E~trth, and the Earth fh•dl hear the Corn, anl the Wine, and the Oyl; and the Corn, and the Wine, and the Oyl (hall hear Je~reel. Welook forth~ fupplies of Corn, Wine, and Oyl; but they can do nothing withour Clouds, and the Clouds can do nothing with– out Stars, and the Stars can do nothing without God : The Crea– tures are beholding to one another, and aU to God. In the Order ofthe world there is an excellent knot and chain of Caufes,by which all ' things hang together, th:lt fo they may lead up the Soul to the Lord. Verft:l9· 'Brethren, ifany ofyou doerrfromtheTruth,and · , ont convert hi111-> j 20. Let him k..now, that he "Which converteth a finNer from the r:rror of his Wo"'J, foal/ {ave a Soul from delfttb, andjbt~/1 hide IJ7. mHltitude of Jins;- Here, from Prayer, the Apofile diverccth to another Chrifrian Office, and that is Admonition, wherein the work is propounded, turning.., finner from the error Pf hi& Way: a double trutt is annex– ed; we £lull be InO:rumenrs in their Converfion and Pardon. Some do conceive that this is an Apology for the whole Epifile; rather it may be referred to the immediate Context: for the Apofile is.treat– ing of th0fe A<..'ts of Chrifii11n ·Charity and Relief that we owe to one another, vificing the fick, praying for the difirdfed; and now of reclaiming the erroneous. If fin) of you J Tbat is, of your Nation, or rather Societ]; for