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CxAP·S· t~p9ntheEpiflltof JAM Is. V1RS.I9,1o, 613 for he fuppofeth them already gained to the knowledg of the Truth. . Do er-r from the Truth,] n>-.avn~n ~ 7'ih J,"''~~M. He nnder– _fiandeth Errors both i11 Faith and Manners : The word chiefly implyeth Errors in the Fa ith; bnt in the next Verfe he fpeaketh of a {inner, and of covering a multitude of fins ; which phrafes im– ply errors oflife, and fo both muft be underfiood. ByTruth be underilandeth the Rule of the Gofpel, whether condemning-Er– rors in !udgment, or indirect praClices: Thus, concerning the firfl, 'cis (aid of Hymenem and Philetm, 2. Tim. 2; IS· That th'ey erred concernit~g the Truth, {aying, the Refurrection & paft -: So concerning the fecond, 'cis faid of Peter, Galat. z. 14. he \Vi!f/k.§dnot With aright foot according to the Truth of the Gofjel : and th~ Apoftle John fpeaketh often ot * Walking in the truth; that , That the is, according to that Rule and Order which the Gofpd prefcribech. Goff~el is emiAt:~d one convert him,] To convert a finner properly is Gods ne~tly called work; He turneth us, We arc hi& Work__m:mfoip i;~ Chri{t 'fefm, tGmt~; Seel h ~ · r ·b d h M. ·fl d I n rot zu:, m o· Ep . 2. to. yet c1s atCfl e to man, tot e llltners an nuru.. cnm . mentsofConverfion, as Acts 16. I7. To turn them from Satan . • to the living God, becaufe they ufe fach means and helps by which God conveyeth a bleffing; We plant and warer, and God giveth theincrea[r, I (or. 3• ). Mark, he faith, and one convert him; . he cloth not limit it to the Minitl:er onely; At'ts of fpiritud Charity belong to the care of all Bdeevers: where ever there is true Gra<;e, it will be affimilating; Luk: 2.2.3 2.. 'Being converted,. ftrengthm . t hy Brethr.en. ·. Let him ~now,] fi')'VIlltrx.h~: Some read f tJ1vr1trxl<1i,k.pown, but· to the fame dfect. That he 'Which converteth a.finner,]- That is as an Infirument in Gods hmd, by contributing .the help and counfel of his prayers and en.devors. ' Shall fave a Soul] Some expound ·it of the Soul of the Admo– ni(ber, _his own Soul; but more properly 'cis underfiood of the Sonl of pim.that is converted: andfave, that is, bean Inflrument of his Salvation. Words proper to the .Supreme Caufe are ofcc:n · afcribed to the Infirument : So Rom. I o. I 4• Th~~t 1may [llve them th11t 11re my own #efb,&c. So I Tim. 4· I 6. Thou fbalt [1.1ve thy[elf, 1.1nd them that hMr thee : Anda Soul, that is, the.perfon_; . . the principal-part isfpecifi.ed; which being f~ved, ~he Body alfo ts · ·· - - 1i i! . 3 fav~d~