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CHAP·5· upon the epiftle of JAMBs. VB RSoi9,20. 61) preffed by cevering of fins, P[al. 32· I. And he meaneth the fins of the converted perfon, which we are faid to cover, when, as Infrrumencs by 0ur Admonitions, we reclaim the erroneous perfon, and bring .him to Repentance. And marl<, ·cis faid, e~ multitude of fins, forcwo Reafo s: 1. To take offdifcouragement; though they be very bad, negleel not to admonilh and reclaim them : feafonable admonition may be a means tQ cover a multitude, &c. 2. To imply the contagion and fpreading of this Leaven; one Error and fin begetteth another, as circles do in the warer ; and he that beginneth to wander, goeth further. Obferve hence, J, Brethrenmay err from the Truth: The ApofUe faith, Ere- Obfervat. r~ . thren, if any ofyou do err: There is n0 Saint recorded in the Word · of God, but his failings and Errors are recorded. In the vifible Church there may be Errors; none doubteth, but GoG!s ·children ~ the Eled: may be fometimes led a[idC', not totaiiJ, not finally, and very hardly into grofs Errors : Matth. 24. 24. In Jo much .u if it Were pojfible thq tvoulddeceive the very Elerl; 'cis not poffible * 'fis laid : totally, becaufe of the 4< infallible Predeftination and efficaciof-1.-& lob u. 16 .' ProteElion ofGod. 'Ti~ true, they may dye in aldfer Error, fuch rhe deceiver; as is confifient with Faith and Salvation, but otherwife they are & t.b~ deceived under the conduct of Gods holy Spirit, that fundamentally they dare huh. He1 or11 l b 1l d db . eret t te cannot err, or finally. We n en, The en ha nee ecauttous; perfons who ChriH faith to his own .Difcipks, lWP/.tth. 24- 4· T a.k_e heed that lhall deceive . no man deceive you : Error is caking and catching, of a marvdous and. who be: :~ compliance with our natural thoughts; for ought chat is in us, we dewved. thould foon mifcarry : There is no ill Opinion can be reprefented to us, but the feeds of it are in onr own Souls. Again, Be not fcandalized when you fee Stars of the firfi magnitude to leave their orband fiation, and glorious Luminaries to fall from HeH.ven li~e lightening: Gods own children may err, and dangerouOy for a while: [unim before converfion was an AtheijJ• .:.z, We are not on-e!] to tak_e care of our own Salvation, but the Obfervat. 2~ Salvlltio;, ofothers: The Apollle faith, if tftn) ofyou,&c. God hath made us Guardians.of ont:> another: ·rwas a fpeech favoring · of C111ins rudenefs and' profanenefs, Am I my Brothers Keeper? As God hatb fet Cenfcience to watch ov~r the inward man; fo for the converfation he hath fet Chrifiians to watch over one another: . Hch. 3•1 2~ T{lk.t budBrcthren,{eft be in 11-'11] ofyoul~-c. not. · · onely..