616 An Expojition, 'WithNote.r onely in Jour [elves, but in an_y ofjou: So Hebr, I 2. I;, I 6. Looking diligently, left any 1111111 fail of thegrace of God, and left any root of bitterncfsJPringing up troubleyou, andmttny hedefiled. There mufi be a confianc wac~h kept, as over our own hearts, fo over the Societies wherein we are engaged'!'Members mufi be care– ful one of another ; this is the communibA between Saints. 1. It reprovcth our neglect of this duty; praying would have been much prevented, if we had been watchful; or did we in aChrifiian man– ner reafoa together with each other, what comfort and efiabli{h.,;, ment might we receive from one anothers 'faith and gifts ? As no man u born for himfelf, fo no man u born ~tntw for himfelf ~ We often converfe together as Mcn, but not as Chriflians : We lhould ?rcte;~wSHv, Hebr. Io, 24. quic~en one another; be as goads in tach others fides, &c. 2 . It lheweth what an hainous fin it is in them that watch over each others hurt; as the Dragonfort he man– ehi/de., Revel. 11. 4· or as angry Htrod fought tb·defi:roy the Babes of Be~hlehem, or a nipping March wind the early blofloms of the Spring ; fo they nip and difcourage the infancy and firfi: buddings of Grace, by cenfure, reproach, carnal fuggefiions, .and put fium– bling blocks in the way of young Converts, and fo defiroy Chrifii– anity in the birth. Ufnally thus ~cis; when men begin to lookaf– ter the ways of God, profane men make them objects of their fcorn and contempt; and fanatical mrn lie in wait with fieight and crafty enterprize to deceive them. If to fave a Soul be a duty, cer– tainly to feduce aSoul is a dangerous fin ; fuch men are devilized, · Factors for Hell, and Agents for the Kingdom of Darknefs: S~tt1m ._er.ocrh toandfro, and fo do t~ey. 'Tis dangerous to partake ofothfr mens fins , to draw that gUJlt upon your own head; you had need be efi iblifhed in that way which you propagate and promote with azealous indufiry ; you had need, I fay, h~ve high affilrance of the truth ofit. But ufually in them that propagatt! Errors there may be obferved, either ablinde and ra{h ~eat, or acorrupt IIJm ufuaUy : fVith feigned Words they 1nak! merchimdi~e of you, ~ Pet. 2., 3· and propagate their Opinion with heat and earnefinefs, that they may promote their own gain.~ Obfcrv:~t. 3· 3• From that [ifanydoerr,] ifbutone, There isnoNe[obafo ~tnd contemptible in the Chnrchlmt the care 1jtheir fafet} be/9ng– eth to all. One root of bitternefs defileth many; both in point of infeElion andft~t,.dal, lNC are all concerned ; one fpark may occafion