CHAP.). upon the Epiflle of J A M E s. VB R s.I9,:w. fion a great burnipg: ·As .Arriui, ·an inconfiderable fpar'k, ac firfi kir1dl.ed fuch a'.Aame, as buriled in all parts of the world: · Ti!lk..e the, little Foxes, Cant. '.I.. I 5'. 'Tis good wirh a wife forefight to watch the firfi appearances of fin and error ina Congrrgacion. ·It preffeth us alfo to be careful:.oft the meanefi .in rhe communi9n of Saints; forne think they are too high in.birtham~ parts £or that facial cam.:. ,merce and intercourfe that iliould be betweetrmember and member' in the Bodyof Chrifl:: .llndr~nicus ·and bsNia, cwo poor Prifoners, were ofgreat note in the Churches, Rom.r6. 4· From that [and one convert him,} Tht expreffion is indefi- Obferv~tt. 4· nice, .not as Jim.iti~g it to the Officers ot: theChmcb, th-ough it be the~r work: .f.Bejides the pu~lique. Ex.hor:tafi.ons of Mini~ flers, privotte ChtiJtianPfor;u/d'~mututf!iy ·confer for C{)mfor& and edification ; I fay, ' priv-ate Cbrifrians not onlymay, ·but·must keep up a Chrifiian Communion amot~g ·chemfdves; Heb.3.i.3. E.xJJo~t one -alfflther whi4c it,'fst..~ra.i~~d:to:'dal : Tho/ ar~, ~mutually \Olt~r up~ne!e,hes that. tena to·, topreN'ent hardnefs of>heartf~fid}Apoft~cynG()d :'bathfeveri~y-difpenfed}tis gitbs~: that we might-mutuallybe b,ehol:ding ro one-another; .theref:Ore tbe[A~ille calletb-it . I Pet+1 o. ':th-e difJunfot.ion..Pfthe mani- . fold'i~nces ·of-\~11d: NoW' every ondhoulq:-Cafr in his\lot;accerding to-His' gifu 'Jand--tXf'tdentes:1 ~ ~herlwicked fa.ktone to anbther; P.rov.i.r11 Cilfl;i~J~1i~Jbtiff?iion~u.i';r#.c'J :~.~~!:. ; ··< · .. ·~ • : _ . . 5'·. From to~~ [c~ver.t him.;] ,that is~reduc~ himfrom hiS Error, ob[er'llat. 5· A'mong other iitlr<JJ Clliiftiitn!Comimioirt_hii is oneafthe·chiefeft f . -to rcduce· thofi that arQon~,_ aftnq. ··W€ mufr not only exhort, but: r~cla~in;.._;rr,ris aduryr..\y~· bwe(tb1~ur.~eighlvirslJ.eaft.--,:Deu.t, ::~~·4;JI 1jha.~Jifliftcfi~'t-fii! 1fs f-4.'!'-4ow_n _'BJ'the w~y, but tho~ fo.Ut help1'13em: , Nay,~osf~1d~' E~od.'l3 -4~ If thou .. ·meet t~ine enemies Ox or. v4fsij;-oi'rlgajlrJy; -thaJ.tJ'fT!qlt bring''hi-m ' backagain. : Mark~in both:p~aces, !t the~Hswere-eirhe-r{a//m or !}lrttJ~iiri 1 · rn~~ch·_ more if-· yout.Oeighbor '·htrn1e.lf~We..fat/C1f6y fotFor .flrajeJby~tl:r-tt~ it"iic:!hliriey ;to-hdp:ind~e&ucelhiril : Ha't.htrodit . care of.Ox m or AJfes ! Ifwe f~ffer Gn upon them, we lnay futfer for their Gs ~ Though it be an unthankful office, yet it mull not be declined; Ufually carnal refpetl:s [wayus, and we are lotb to do that which is difpleafant. Well then, ifit be out'duty't9 admonilh. 'cis your duty tofuffor the 'Words ofExhortation, to bear a reproof patiently , otherwife you oppofe yo.ur own Salvation. Error is 1\ kk k touchy -,