Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

618,2o. AnExpojition, withNoteJ CxA,.). touchy : Carnal affctlionnre loth to have the judgment infonned; they take away the light of reafon, and leave us only the pride of reafo-n; therefore nrmefoangry, tU-they-that are fed;;ced, into .~n Opinidn by intereft; their fore mufi not be couched. U[ually con.– viClion and reproof beget hatred :Am I be"meJoHr enemy bccaH[e I telly'8u the truth ?Ga/.4.15·. Truth iugood.mother, but it be– getteth a bad daughter, contempt and hatred. Oh-this fhould.not • be fo: Da1'lid counted tbe fmiting of ,che righteous a chief oJI; faithful reproof and counfd is like a fword anointed with Balfam, that woundeth and healethat th~ fame time. . Ohfervat.6. 6. Again from that [t~vert him,] He dothrnot'fay,deftr.qy; t 'IheWork fJf ChriJHans is not.prefently to ac'rofe)(nd cortdemn, )bHt; to counfcl tmd convert "'ltn erroneods per{on~ . To call for fire from Heaven ·prefently argueeh fame hafiinefs and impatiency of revenge;. fidl burn them in the fire of love: Before·afly rigowus cou,;fe be taken, we mufi ufe aU.due means of informati@n ; the worfi·caufe always-is the moft·hloody·: ~fis the guifeof·Hereciques, togo·iv t hf iW~Jj- of Cain,.fud. n. •ris tyranny1in thQ,P~pifrs to puni{h every fcru~le; ifa doubt be prdpofed, tho1t1gh1n.c0nfdlion,.ic cannqtbe expiated with lefs then a rack, or the torments of an Inqui6tion: ..Twas Tertu.lliltns c:omplamt of,the Heathe9s,. Exl:~jficin11 N~rHificllffJ, [olv~mt a!l'gumeht'll; 1the ;Cbri(ti~os d~(putedJpJ .. their~Religion, and they had theit:-Anfwer·ffom the-; ' So:Ambrife obfervetb 1 !!.,.uos flrm9'rfibl44 nof;,;pojfHnt-.defipere; 'll..JiiNf·~mA.nt ferienaos: Falfe Religions brook no ·contraditlitm; and what is wanting i~ argument, is made up i11 fo..rc-c; and therefore are erro– neons ways fell and-cruel. No compulllve f(){ce rthould be. u{ed,. ' efore there' be care had for b~tter. ffifotmation, 'and refolving the doubting Confcience,- as long as there appeareth .a de6re to be jn.,.. formed, a~meek endeavors after fatisfaGliel'J; Paul is for two .or three admonitions before a Church cenfurq, _ r'it_.311q.. They,are cruel Hangmen, not'Divines (faith c;pflreu:s) th~t c:are 1 not ~.0 fav.e a Soul from death, but prefeRtly:!O 'deliver tNJP t9 the D~vil, to the flake, to the fword. · . obf:. lit 1· 7· From chat [let him k._nor~ J To quick~n DUY je{vtl in 11 good. . 'Jerv • \\?or~, ~,;,, good 'We jhould a[/u~iliy confider the aignity•and bmefirs of it; ;-·l')'l'~crx.tTr~ let him c.onfidel' what-an high honour ic_ is to have an hand in iuch a-work : So che Apoi.Ue p~effeth to patience upon this ground, IJ..fJm. S. 3.-• KnfJwing that tribu!Ation l\ior.k!th e~per,en~e.