upon the Epi{fleof JA- M 1 s_. experience: So CQ tincemy, ('ot. ",J. ~~3, 24. Knowing that of t.f,e Lordye foal/ receive the reward of inheritance. ~ Well chen, learn this wifd.om iri cate ot deadnefs and oppQlltion of fpirit, act yoLtr thoughts upon the Worth Myour duties-,~t:Jd, t_hefuc~e{S of tfuem : Mans lhength lieth in his dtfcourfe an~ reafon, and there is no fuch. relief to. the. So.ul as Fhat which corneth by feafonablc thoughts;· Whom. do ·Idr:rve? the Lord?.· Can any labour un· denakcm tor hisfake be in vain ?·&c. . 619 8.From that [heW.hich convertetha finner fro. m the ernor; ofhis Obfc t g Way,] Before ~cwas exprc::ffecbby errin.fffram the truth,and now erva • ' by the error ofhis 'Way; yo.u may not(>, That Errors in DoElrine ufuallyend in fins of ltfe and praEli~e. J llde_8. Fikhy dreA.men, defiling the ftefh; fidl: men dre.~tm, and theo. dt file. :themfelv.e • We qf.ten fee, -.tiUt im.purit1 ofReligifln is j-qy,ne,d witlp.mcl.mn.l. nr:fS'Of6ody, arltdt f~iricuaL f9rrricatililLl punj{hed :;with corporal : Ho(ea. 4 I 2,13. They ha;&e·gone an 'Whoringfrvm their qod, there. fore their daughtn:s.fhall umsmit 'Whoredom. ~ufti..~ faich, a A· a Aug. fih. 4 • · nima tftltJJ formeataeft tit:.Deo cafta cf{e non:pouf/ · , that chofe can~ adver[~ ]!JL,. not l>e chafre that go a whoring from God.: .Trach aweth the a 11 • SouJ, arid a right! belief guidech the Conl'er~~cion: Vn/ulaj is . the mother offin, and mif 6tlief the nur(e of it• ' In Errorthe.re.is a finful.eonh~deracy between tlie r"tionatand fenfua-1 part; and (o' carnal affections are gratified With carnal DoClrines: 'F•he ffiir~:onipper par~ mf the·Soul gratifi<:>oh •theft~~fo- er· 1owerJacdllcies; and th'erefol'€! che 1 convicbve po'wer of t-he·/tN. 0nd is f11id to dJjUn-- guifhbetwren flefh-andjpil'it, He~·.~··u.. ; benw-e_el1-~a.rn~:tl affeaU,t, ami 1 thofe·crafcy pretences and excufes by wh1ch tiS palliated. , 9: Fr~m that [fhall-fov: J M;,n~nJer Gt~_tLhiJ.h this ha~our,to Obfervat. 9~ be a S11vzour. We are crtwSf)'O~~e¥, \t.orke.ru to~ttJher. 'Wtth'tf}.qa,_ · 2·lCur~-6.1. He is pleafed to take 'us. -irito a f~rllow$1\ip;ef.\his 0w.tli work, aod to cafi the glor-v,ePhis grace1upowour and'ea~ors : ~ris; an high honour which the LorG. doth u~ ; We ihould 1 1earn to cum.it back again toGod, to whom aloqe it i~ due: ll C'9r. r ~.10. fila. bouk;ed'mor~ahunrj.awtly thr:.fi.tl!e]t{}O; J·et:_n~t, {, :hutfha.grace of God"'#?~f''W'M rf;if.~.vme ,{lLuk. J~· ThJ pound1hJtth. Igai¥Jed '!tn / pounds; nbt my indu1lrY:~ btu thypbumic: So-Gal. 2. ao; I [/.i(;)e '; .yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me. When.God thall put the glory of his own work upon the head of the creature, certainly they ha.v:e great caufe to lay thecrown of their Excellency atitbe.feet of the Kkkk 2 Lo~d