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.V! R 5.19;20. Lord; and when the honour of the[Hpream (aufe is out upon the ln[frument, the Inftrumentmay_well afcribe all to the dficacyof thejuprulm c.';ufe. Such is the grace GfGod,that when thou haft ufed the means. he will reckon it to thy fcore ;- Thors ·haftgained thy brother, Mat. 1 ~.I 5. Aman.lofeth nothing by being imployed in Gods fervice. Qh let us £hive and take pains m this work: Paul would beanythingthathemightgain fome, 1 Cor.9.I9 1 zo,n. It . ferveth alfo tor direction to Chrifiians ; you mufi: not neglea the means; God giveth them the terms proper to th~ fupream Caufe : God faith eo his Interpreter, lob 3 I. H• Deliver 'himfromgoing down into the pit.,&r:. So the Apoilles and the Minill:ers of the Go– fpel, .chat were to preach to Jdumtea.for the Converfionof the Eled there, are calledSaviours; Obad. v. ~I. And Savioursfh~/1 come from moNnt Sion t() ju.dg the mount of E{au. · •fis notable, · that though the work of.Converfion be properly theLords;yet •tis fame– times afcribed to our[elves.,to thew that we muft not be negligent; fometimes to the Minifiers and Infuuments, ·to ihew th~t we muil: not contemn their help; fometiincs to God, that we may not be fel£confidemor unthankful. - ' ,, "( - obfrr.v. to•. ~ I,o.-Frbm that [S·oNJ] Salvation u pr:ino.ipalty of the Sor~l>sthe h€>.dy bath its fhare: Thu vile bodJ jh111! be a,glorious· body, Phi(.-;.zi. ButtheSoul isfirilpoffeffedofglory, and is the chief r.eceptade of it, as it: is of grace for the prefent ;. fee I P 1t. r··9'"' Well .then, it teachech us not to look far acarnal Heavet1,a T.urkifh, Faradife,or a pbce of eafe and feofitive pleafure i_sthe H-eavm. of Heaven, rhar the Soul Jhallbe filled utJ With God, Oull tlllder-, fianoGod,love God, and be fati5fiedwith hisprefence :. Compleat knowledg~ compkat love and union withChdfi, are the trungs that ~hriilians Jhould-look afcer. (J\ Cc; us to k.e.ep our Souls p~e; Fl~fh!JJuft:s War agai,n'ff.the 'Sotd; I Pet. 2. u. not only a-:-. gwfr;the prefennwcl&re·ofJ.t, bAt }'our .tuture. hopes. It alfo com~forteth tbe children ofGod ; what.~er their eftate be, it {hall go well-with their Souls. · . Ob{cr-v. I I. ,ll.... ~~om:that [fror»Jde~Zfh,") : ~r,rfJr_J are 111Q[.t·Rlfi.n;:/diAJ/j,ttJ... the-fjltrst, T.hcwagesofevery fin ·t~-de.ath., efpectallyof6n.counte– l)'lnced .by,Error, for then there is a coofp},facy of the whole Soul againfr God. TheApofil.e Peter callethHerefies d.Jfn!Ifl' Jm(t);, damnable Herejies,or as ~tis in the Original,HerejhsofdeftruClion. ~: confefs fome Her~es,are J!lo~e damn~bl~ JO.d d~~rl!djv~ thmh . · ot er