Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

C:ti:AP.5. upontheEpift!eof JAM • s, VIRS.I9,1o. 6H other'· but all do in their nature tend ro damnation; The .~ay d[ truth IS alone the \\'llf) o( life: fome herefies there are which by no means can confift with fatvation for eternaUife , {uch: as are errors in fundamentals , joyned with an obfiinacy and reluclation againfi the'light, which is the proper badge of an heretick that is in afi~te ofdamnat i0n; well then,let us take heed how we dally with·errors, there is death in them :-would aman play with his own damnation?- Uf~~ in matters of opinion we are the more carelefs , becaufe t~efe 'is fefsremorfe ofconfcience; for the light by which it lhould .. juage isperverted; and-aecaufe foul Ads have more of curp1tude arid filthinefs in them in mens eyes , and occafion more lbame from without; but errors are as dangerous; a 111an that huggeth them; huggeth his owndeath ~ befides, it confuteth·them that fay there is falvatibn inanyway , fo -we be Of good ltfc·: they fay fome opini– ons _are more yompendiQui·wajs to falvation··, but aU;are ways·: fo fome Libertines, and fome oftne·Arminiansin H(J/!dnd ~ as C~fpar _ Barl~m-, Ad9lphmVena-tor;and others. The Socinians alfo fay that aman of any perfwafion~ay be,fiveH, #'.he doth not walk contra- . rY. to ~is light ; ·At t'he Coi.rikeFofTrent, -the f~lvad~n ofthe heatnensby· the-p0wer offlatUr~1\Yithol,lt rChrifl: was mu~ talked of. Thed'ivmes of-Co/tm'fet fortli a=BOc»..ileflilute .Ariffotelu , ofthe* .v,~ fat~s falvation of Ariftotle the heathenj BliuheScripture ~eaketh but mt~d·aoRo/}!i!» f fi h E l d h n h . 1\.. ul b b h 'Jiti pr.c,cpto· o one ~it , · p;1. ·4· 5. :m t at a t ,e natiOns wo e ~oug t u lms qreibrt[- t~,God 'byafiJ •Gofpel ,_ ~at. f 4~ 14. ··rhat you mayconeeiveof dam scbl)!afii.. this maft~r moredifl:inetly ., I lhall lay -~~own .afew propofitions. eh, -z-:iru certc . f :None canbe faved \vfthout Ghrifi3 lhete ·unoother foundation, g;·avt~u4 MJRr~ h · fh d f N h 1 jtecu!z m mt tl · 1. c()r.3 . 1 I . t at IS ·, o ope an · com ort. o ot er name 1-!naer tr:m vtr.'erit rtt hut."!en, &c. Ails4· ~ 3. ~/Jm the "'tJJ' Job~14· 6. Therefore the rJI!TiCqiiO]It: Papifis ar~ groAy-dece1ved ~hat: fay the G€n~1les could be faved by temp()i:u pufl theLawof NattJte,asMalaonate ruferteth-onJliat. I ·I .z I .Secondly, t~m d tH revs- ' nooe-canhe faved by'Chrift,;out they that kn0W him and believe in ~tuumfl hrt· him, John .I 7. 3·Tht&_ is life eternal, to kz:ow t_hee , &c. AJolphus cZ~;j :O~lt!a . Ymator fatd,a man m1ght be faved byChrtfl Wlthout fo much as an fallm!iJ wi, b ifior~calknowlcdgofhim; "' Acofta complaineth ofthe likeTe. 91a!lf ,eeema,~ net held by feme of t he Schooltnen. But- in 'the Word weknowof CIJllliJlg trt pvfj e ·no {alvation, but by believing in Chrifr; Ioh» 3• 17. . t hr.t as many 111 cAo'11fi::_m~b~ • · d · · W n.b 1· • Ch '11. d' h coua •r · ) . b~lseve mhzm~ !lc. 3• f_muu etevem . n.~~ccor ~ng .to~ _e depmrmtnda. tenor of the Scrtptures, thatJS, the rule offatth Without which tlS ir.dumm[aluu. vain: I Cor. 15· 14· John 7· 38· The Apofile every where fpeaketh cap. 3 ~ · - ~kkk 3 againG ., .. ,. ~